Articles describing the Integration Service and how it operates
Integration Service - Integration Service Overview
Integration Service - Do I need the Integration Service?
Transaction Manager: Integration Service Options
Integration Service - What Is an Integration Dynamic Link Library (DLL)?
Transaction Manager: Integration Service - RightNetworks
Transaction Manager: How do I know if I am using the Integration Service?
Integration Service - What's the Difference Between V1 and V2?
Integration Service - Determining Which Integration Version You're Using
Integration Service - Known Issues without Local Admin
Integration Service - Why Does TrueCommerce Require Local Admin?
Integration Service - Uninstalling the Legacy Integration Service (V1)
Transaction Manager - Integration Service: Backing up your Integration DLL
Transaction Manager: Integration Service - and other Installation Errors
Integration Service- Stopping, Starting, and Restarting the Integration Service
Integration Service - Why am I being asked to download the Integration Service?
Transaction Manager: Reading Logs
Transaction Manager: Generating a Windows Event Log for Integration Service Issues