Product: EDI
Transaction: 855
Article Link:
855 - Purchase Order Acknowledgment
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Purchase Order Acknowledgment Transaction Set (855) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to provide for customary and established business and industry practice relative to a seller's acknowledgment of a buyer's purchase order. This transaction set can also be used as notification of a vendor generated order. This usage advises a buyer that a vendor has or will ship merchandise as prearranged in their partnership.
Segment | Name | Required |
ST | 0100 | |
BAK | 0200 | |
CUR | 0400 | |
REF | 0500 | |
PER | 0600 | |
TAX | 0700 | |
FOB | 0800 | |
CTP | Pricing Information | 0900 |
PAM | Period Amount | 0950 |
CSH | Sales Requirements | 1100 |
Segment | Name | Required |
SAC | 1200 | |
CUR | 1250 | |
ITD | Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale | 1300 |
DIS | Discount Detail | 1400 |
INC | Installment Information | 1450 |
DTM | 1500 | |
LDT | Lead Time | 1600 |
LIN | 1800 | |
SI | Service Characteristic Identification | 1850 |
PID | 1900 | |
MEA | 2000 | |
PWK | Paperwork | 2100 |
PKG | Marking, Packaging, Loading | 2200 |
TD1 | 2300 | |
TD5 | 2400 | |
TD3 | 2500 | |
TD4 | 2600 | |
MAN | 2700 | |
TXI | 2750 | |
CTB | Restrictions/Conditions | 2770 |
Segment | Name | Required |
N9 | 2800 | |
DTM | 2850 | |
MTX | 2900 | |
PWK | Paperwork | 2950 |
EFI | Electronic Format Identification | 2980 |
Segment | Name | Required |
N1 | 3000 | |
N2 | 3100 | |
IN2 | Individual Name Structure Components | 3150 |
N3 | 3200 | |
N4 | 3300 | |
NX2 | Location ID Component | 3350 |
REF | 3400 | |
PER | 3500 | |
SI | Service Characteristic Identification | 3550 |
FOB | 3600 | |
TD1 | 3700 | |
TD5 | 3800 | |
TD3 | 3900 | |
TD4 | 4000 | |
PKG | Marking, Packaging, Loading | 4100 |
MTX | 4200 |
Segment | Name | Required |
ADV | Advertising Demographic Information | 4300 |
DTM | 4400 | |
MTX | 4500 |
Segment | Name | Required |
PO1 | 0100 | |
LIN | 0150 | |
SI | Service Characteristic Identification | 0180 |
CUR | 0200 | |
PO3 | Additional Item Detail | 0300 |
CTP | Pricing Information | 0400 |
PAM | Period Amount | 0450 |
MEA | 0490 |
Segment | Name | Required |
PID | 0500 | |
MEA | 0600 | |
PWK | Paperwork | 0700 |
PO4 | 0900 | |
REF | 1000 | |
PER | 1100 |
Segment | Name | Required |
SAC | 1300 | |
CUR | 1350 | |
IT8 | Conditions of Sale | 1400 |
CSH | Sales Requirements | 1420 |
ITD | 1500 | |
DIS | Discount Detail | 1600 |
INC | Installment Information | 1650 |
TAX | 1700 | |
FOB | 1800 | |
SDQ | 1900 | |
DTM | 2000 | |
LDT | Lead Time | 2100 |
TD1 | 2300 | |
TD5 | 2400 | |
TD3 | 2500 | |
TD4 | 2600 |
Segment | Name | Required |
ACK | Line Item Acknowledgment | 2700 |
DTM | 2800 | |
MAN | Marks and Numbers Information | 2900 |
AMT | 2930 | |
CTB | Restrictions/Conditions | 2950 |
TXI | 2960 |
Segment | Name | Required |
QTY | 3000 | |
SI | Service Characteristic Identification | 3020 |
Segment | Name | Required |
PKG | Marking, Packaging, Loading | 3030 |
MEA | 3050 |
Segment | Name | Required |
SCH | Line Item Schedule | 3100 |
TD1 | 3150 | |
TD5 | 3200 | |
TD3 | 3300 | |
TD4 | 3400 | |
REF | 3450 |
Segment | Name | Required |
N9 | 3500 | |
DTM | 3550 | |
MTX | Text | 3600 |
PWK | Paperwork | 3650 |
EFI | Electronic Format Identification | 3680 |
Segment | Name | Required |
N1 | 3700 | |
N2 | 3800 | |
IN2 | Individual Name Structure Components | 3850 |
N3 | 3900 | |
N4 | 4000 | |
NX2 | Location ID Component | 4050 |
REF | 4100 | |
PER | 4200 | |
SI | Service Characteristic Identification | 4250 |
DTM | 4260 | |
FOB | 4300 | |
SCH | Line Item Schedule | 4350 |
TD1 | 4400 | |
TD5 | 4500 | |
TD3 | 4600 | |
TD4 | 4700 | |
QTY | 4750 | |
PKG | Marking, Packaging, Loading | 4800 |
Segment | Name | Required |
SLN | 4900 | |
MTX | 4950 | |
SI | Service Characteristic Identification | 5000 |
PID | 5100 | |
PO3 | Additional Item Detail | 5200 |
MEA | 5210 | |
CTP | Pricing Information | 5220 |
PAM | Period Amount | 5230 |
ACK | Line Item Acknowledgment | 5300 |
Segment | Name | Required |
SAC | 5400 | |
CUR | Currency | 5450 |
DTM | 5500 | |
PO4 | 5540 | |
TAX | 5570 | |
ADV | Advertising Demographic Information | 5580 |
Segment | Name | Required |
QTY | 5590 | |
SI | Service Characteristic Identification | 5610 |
Segment | Name | Required |
N9 | 5630 | |
DTM | 5640 | |
MTX | 5650 |
Segment | Name | Required |
N1 | 5760 | |
N2 | 5780 | |
IN2 | Individual Name Structure Components | 5790 |
N3 | 5800 | |
N4 | 5900 | |
NX2 | Location ID Component | 6000 |
REF | 6100 | |
PER | 6200 | |
SI | Service Characteristic Identification | 6250 |
Segment | Name | Required |
CTT | 0100 | |
AMT | 0200 | |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 0300 |
Notes |
1/1800 | If segment LIN is used, do not use LIN01. |
2/0100 | PO102 is required. |
2/2930 | If AMT is used in the detail area, then AMT01 will = 1 and AMT02 will indicate total line amount as calculated by the sender. |
2/3100 | The SCH segment is used to specify various quantities of items ordered that are to be scheduled. When this segment is used the unit of measurement code (SCH02) should always be identical to the unit of measurement code in the associated PO1 segment (PO103) and the sum of values of quantity (SCH01) should always equal the quantity ordered (PO102) in the PO1 segment. |
3/0100 | The number of line items (CTT01) is the accumulation of the number of PO1 segments. If used, hash total (CTT02) is the sum of the value of quantities ordered (PO102) for each PO1 segment. |
3/0200 | If AMT is used in the summary area, then AMT01 will = TT and AMT02 will indicate total transaction amount as calculated by the sender. |
rev 12/11/2024