Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 142
142 - Product Service Claim
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Product Service Claim Transaction Set (142) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to transmit the servicing organization, claimant, manufacturer, seller, and purchaser of the product.
It can specify the product's current usage, date the product was sold, delivered, and placed in service as well as identify product model and serial numbers and serial numbers of any subassemblies. It can specify a malfunction or recall condition, service performed, labor, parts, and any other associated costs. It can show the costs of the repair and the date service was requested and when it was available to be placed back in service.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | 0100 | |
BGN | Beginning Segment | 0200 |
N9 | 0250 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 0300 | |
N2 | 0400 | |
N3 | 0500 | |
N4 | 0600 | |
REF | 0700 | |
PER | 0800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 0100 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N9 | 0200 | |
MSG | Message Text | 0250 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LIN | 0300 | |
PID | 0400 | |
LOC | Location | 0450 |
QTY | 0500 | |
DTM | 0600 | |
REF | 0700 | |
PER | 0800 | |
PSC | Product Service Contract | 0900 |
SSS | Product Special Services | 1000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LM | Code Source Information | 1040 |
LQ | Industry Code Identification | 1080 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 1100 | |
N2 | 1200 | |
N3 | 1300 | |
N4 | 1400 | |
N9 | 1500 | |
PER | 1600 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PRR | Problem Report | 1700 |
LIN | 1800 | |
LOC | Location | 1850 |
QTY | 1900 | |
DTM | 2000 | |
MSG | Message Text | 2100 |
RC | Root Cause | 2200 |
PER | 2300 | |
PSC | Product Service Contract | 2400 |
SSS | Product Special Services | 2500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
CID | Characteristic/Class ID | 2600 |
TMD | Test Method | 2700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
MEA | 2800 | |
DTM | 2900 | |
LIN | 3000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
REP | Repair Action | 3100 |
REF | 3200 | |
N1 | 3300 | |
PER | 3350 | |
RC | Root Cause | 3400 |
DTM | 3500 | |
LIN | 3550 | |
ITA | Allowance, Charge or Service | 3570 |
MSG | Message Text | 3600 |
PRT | Part Disposition | 3620 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LM | Code Source Information | 3650 |
LQ | Industry Code Identification | 3680 |
Segment | Name | Position |
MEA | 3700 | |
DTM | 3800 | |
LIN | 3900 |
Segment | Name | Position |
IT1 | Baseline Item Data (Invoice) | 4000 |
LIN | 4050 | |
N1 | 4100 | |
N9 | 4200 | |
PRT | Part Disposition | 4300 |
DTM | 4350 | |
ITA | Allowance, Charge or Service | 4400 |
CUR | 4450 |
Segment | Name | Position |
AMT | 4500 | |
TXI | 4600 | |
CUR | 4700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
TDS | Total Monetary Value Summary | 0100 |
TXI | 0200 | |
CUR | 0300 | |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 0400 |
Notes |
1/0200 | BGN02 contains the warranty reference number. This could be a batch number for a group of claims. It will be used in LIN03 in the corresponding product service claim response transaction (141). BGN03 contains the product service claim transaction original creation date. |
1/0300 | The N1 loop identifies the sending party, usually the servicing organization, and the receiving party, usually the product's manufacturer. In addition, a third party, such as the product's distributor, can be identified. It is also possible to specify a secondary warranter such as a credit card issuer or a motor oil manufacturer. |
1/0700 | An independent servicing agency, usually identified as the sending party in the first iteration of the N1 loop, has a servicing contract with the manufacturer, usually the receiving party identified in the second iteration of the N1 loop. The REF segment in the N1 loop can contain the identity of this servicing contract between the two parties. |
1/0800 | The PER segment within the N1 loop of the heading area is used to refer to an individual for administrative purposes. It is not intended to be the one with whom technical issues would be discussed. The technical contacts would be contained in the PER segment within the N1 loops in the detail area. PER02 can be used to identify a person by name or job function or department. |
2/0100 | The LX loop represents an individual claim. Normally a claim will be for an independent product, assembly, subassembly, or component. However, a single claim also can be used for a group of similar products to be submitted to a single party. |
2/0200 | N902 in the first or only occurrence of a N9 segment at this position in the LX loop must contain the reference number for all charges in this iteration of the LX loop. |
2/0300 | The LIN loop must be used to describe the product being serviced. The LIN segment contains 235-234 data element pairs that can be used to identify the product manufacturer (MF), model number (MN), serial number (SN), equipment identification number (EM), vehicle identification number (VV), model year (RY), etc. |
2/0400 | The PID segment provides capability for further description of a product that cannot be described in an LIN segment. PID03 to PID05 can be used to described these features, such as the cab configuration of a vehicle. |
2/0450 | The LOC segment is used to describe the position of equipment within a structure or an assembly, subassembly, or part within a piece of equipment in space relative to an origin. For example, it could describe the location of a telephone switch within a building and of an individual circuit card within the switch by giving the position of a drawer within a rack within a switch. |
2/0500 | The QTY segment in the LIN loop reflects the quantity of items that do not have a serial number and are being serviced together under one repair order. For all items with a serial number, the value to be used is either explicitly or implicitly set to one. |
2/0600 | The DTM segment could contain product related dates such as product delivery date (035), acceptance date (301), service requested (211), returned to customer (212), purchased (304), and manufacturer (094). |
2/0700 | The REF segment provides additional data about the product, its registration data and servicing environment that don't fit well within the LIN segment either because it requires too much extraneous data to be sent or the required codes are not available in the codes lists of the data elements within the LIN segment, but are available within the Reference Number Qualifier data element used in the REF segment. |
2/0800 | The PER segment lists the contact at the servicing location for technical questions regarding the repair or condition of the product. This could be the service manager or service technician. |
2/0900 | The PSC segment describes the status of the warranty, the type of warranty, recall notice, service bulletin, or service contract or other conditions for the product that could allow a service claim in effect at the time of service, if any. It also identifies the service contract number in PSC05. The PSC segment is used to describe the period of the warranty or service contract. |
2/1000 | The SSS segment can be used to describe conditions such as carry-in or on-site service. |
2/1040 | The LM/LQ loop provides the capability to use an industry or company code list to specify the area of the product under repair. |
2/1100 | The N1 loop will be used to specify the parties involved with the item being serviced. It could be the registered owner (RW), the one who requested service (SQ), the one who is to be notified when the service has been completed (N1), the item's owner (OW), the initial dealer (ID), or any combination of them. The N1 loop is optional. If the product had been registered, the ownership data should already be available and can be accessed by the model and serial numbers that are placed in the LIN segment. The N1 loop also can be used to identify individuals in the service shop associated with this claim. For example, it could be used to identify the individual who received the item from the customer and wrote the repair order (OE). Another possible use for the N1 loop is to identify who pre-approved the claim. The N9 segment within the N1 loop would be used for the appropriate authorization number. |
2/1600 | The PER segment in the N1 loop can give the communications contact information, such as telephone number, of an owner's representative (OS) who can supply additional information about the complaint. |
2/1700 | The PRR loop describes the reported problem. It can be a product recall or service bulletin as well as a customer complaint. Each iteration of the PRR loop describes a single problem. The complaints should be in a coded format contained in PRR04 so that the transaction can be processed by a computer program. The PRR segment can have a code that describes the urgency or severity of the problem. |
2/1800 | If necessary, the LIN segment describes the portion of the entire product causing the complaint. For example, it may be a subassembly or component. If more than one subassembly is having a problem, each would be identified in a separate PRR loop. The LIN segment contains 235-234 data element pairs that can be used to identify the product manufacturer (MF), model number (MN), and serial number (SN). |
2/1850 | The LOC segment is used to describe the position of equipment within a structure or an assembly, subassembly, or part within a piece of equipment in space relative to an origin. For example, it could describe the location of a telephone switch within a building and of an individual circuit card within the switch by giving the position of a drawer within a rack within a switch. |
2/1900 | The QTY segment can specify the quantity of components or subassemblies that do not have a serial number and are being serviced together under one service order. For all items with a serial number the value to be used is either implicitly or explicitly set to one. The QTY segment can also specify the current service life of the component or subassembly, such as mileage or time. The equivalent information regarding the entire product should be contained in the QTY segment within the LIN loop. |
2/2000 | The DTM segment can be used, for example, to report the time of failure (319) or when service was performed on the unit (302). |
2/2100 | The MSG segment can be used to describe the customer's complaint. Non-standard complaints that can't be coded in PRR04 can be placed here. This, however, limits the possibility of having a computer completely process the claim. |
2/2200 | The RC segment can specify the principle part involved in the failure in RC02. If a part number is specified in RC02, then the condition of the part must be included in either RC06 or RC07. Any free-form description of the root cause should be included in RC08. The use of RC08 will probably require human analysis. It may be that a root cause is entitled only to fixed reimbursement. |
2/2300 | The PER segment lists the contact at the servicing location for technical questions regarding the repair condition of the component or subassembly. |
2/2400 | The PSC segment describes the status of the warranty, the type of warranty, recall notice, service bulletin, or service contract or other conditions for the assembly or subassembly that could allow a service claim in effect at the time of service, if any. If the assembly or subassembly has a separate service contract that is different than that for the entire product, it can be identified in PSC05. |
2/2500 | The SSS segment can be used to describe conditions that pertain only to the assembly or subassembly. |
2/2600 | The CID segment describes a particular portion of the product which has individual test specifications. For example, the tuner in a television set. |
2/2700 | The TMD segment specifies a code test procedure which will be used in the analysis of the customer's complaint. |
2/2800 | The MEA segment provides the results of any testing done before performing the service. Unless noted otherwise, this same test usually will be performed at the completion of the service activity. The preceding CID specifies the test conditions. |
2/2900 | Some tests may require being run at various intervals of time. The time the separate tests were run is specified here. |
2/3000 | The LIN segment can contain the identity of the test equipment, if significant. |
2/3100 | The REP loop is used to describe the actions that were taken in servicing a problem. There can be a separate REP loop for each individual repair action, such as for each part replaced or individual adjustment. If this repair was the result of a service bulletin, then the bulletin number would be specified in REP03. REP01 can be used to identify the repair action line number for use in the product service claim response in LIN09 to identify this individual repair action. |
2/3200 | If you want to refer to a problem or a repair listed earlier in the transaction, REF02 provides an identifier to the relevant PRR loop (PRR01) or to a relevant earlier REP loop (REP01). REF01 would contain the qualifier of "prior identifier". For example, if this is an REP loop to calibrate a circuit because a printed circuit board was replaced, REF02 would be used to refer to the REP loop where the printed circuit board was replaced. This also could be used to refer to a reported problem by referencing PRR01. |
2/3300 | The N1 segment provides an identifier to the individual or organization that authorized this particular repair. |
2/3400 | The root cause, specified by the RC - Root Cause segment, is the ultimate reason why this particular repair action had to be performed. For example, a loose lubrication fitting could result in the loss of lubricant which caused an assembly to fail. The root cause of this particular repair action then would be the loose lubrication fitting. |
2/3500 | The DTM segment specifies dates and, if necessary, times that are important to the service operations performed on the product. For example, it can include the time service was requested, when the product was presented for service, the actual repair start and stop times, and when the product was returned to the customer after the completion of the service. Such detailed time information could be vital if there was a service contract that had a penalty if the item was out of service for more than a specified period of time. |
2/3550 | The LIN segment within the REP loop is intended to be used to specify the parts used in the service action. The manufacturer, model and serial number, location on product, etc. can be specified. |
2/3600 | The MSG segment can be used to describe a non-standard repair action. This, however, limits the possibility of having a computer completely process the claim. The use of a standard repair action in REP08 rather than putting a reason in an MSG segment allows computer processing of the claim. |
2/3650 | The LM/LQ loop provides the capability to use an industry or company code list to specify the area of the product under repair. |
2/3700 | The MEA loop is for any tests that are run at the completion of the repair to prove that the product is now able to operate within the specifications as given in the CID loop within the PRR loop above. The function of segments within this MEA loop are the same as in the MEA loop above. |
2/3800 | This is used, for example, when time is significant in the test procedures. |
2/3900 | The LIN segment can contain the identity of the test equipment, if significant. |
2/4000 | The IT1 segment is used to specify a charge associated with the servicing of one item. For example, each of the individual parts or assemblies can be specified by part number. It also can list the labor operation number and the standard labor hours for this repair. |
2/4050 | The LIN segment within the IT1 loop is intended to be used to specify the parts or supplies that are being charged against the service action. |
2/4100 | The N1 segment is the source of a purchased replacement part. |
2/4200 | The N9 segment, if necessary, can contain the invoice number for the purchased replacement part. It refers back to the previous N1 segment which identified the source of the part. |
2/4300 | The PRT segment specifies the actual or specified disposition of the replaced part identified by the IT1 loop. |
2/4400 | The ITA segment specifies summary charges for each REP loop. This can include any special service charges, a minimum labor charge, and miscellaneous charges. |
2/4500 | AMT01 contains the amount claimed for this LX loop. The AMT loop contains financial data for the entire claim. Of course, the transmission could have been composed of more than one claim. If so, table 3 will contain the summary financial data for the entire transaction. |
2/4600 | The TXI segment specifies the taxes, usually sales tax, for each of the taxing jurisdictions that can be involved in this particular claim. |
2/4700 | One or the other of the CUR segments in table 2 or 3 can be used, but not both. In table 2, CUR represents the currency in a single iteration of the LX loop. In table 3, it represents the currency for the entire transaction. CUR segments will only be used if there are two different currencies involved in the claim. For example, the claim is being submitted to a firm in the United States and the work was done in Canada and the claim is to be paid in Canadian funds. |
3/0100 | The TDS loop in table 3 is used to accumulate the total costs and charges associated with all items being claimed in this single transaction. This loop is placed at the end rather than the beginning of the transaction to supply the grand total and to simplify processing the accumulated values. |
3/0200 | The TXI segment specifies the taxes, usually sales tax, for each of the taxing jurisdictions that can be involved in this entire transaction. |
3/0300 | The currency used specifies that for the entire transaction these are the currency conversion rates. The CUR segment in this TDS loop should not be used if the CUR segment was used in one or more iterations of the preceding AMT loop. That would have indicated that some of the individual claims within this transaction were to be paid in one currency and others in another currency. |
rev 22/11/2024