Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 143
Article Link:
143 - Product Service Notification
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Product Service Notification Transaction Set (143) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to transmit either a mandatory or a voluntary recall. While the recall transaction could be sent to a consumer, it is more likely to be sent to a servicing organization to provide them notice of the recall and to establish their authority to service the items specified in the recall notice. It could be sent to the seller if they are required to notify the purchaser, and it could be sent to an owning organization where they are capable of receiving EDI transactions, such as a large fleet owner of automobiles. It could be a recall from the distribution channel of products. One recall notice is limited to one set of items sharing the possibility of the same problem.
The notice also can be a service bulletin which could specify a repair, engineering change, a field replacement, or other such action to a product. The service action could be specified for the next time that product is being serviced. It could just as well specify that the action must take place as soon as possible or it could be at a specified particular date and time so as to coordinate the change at many product locations. This could happen, for example, in an interconnected computer system or a telephone switching system.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | 0100 | |
BGN | Beginning Segment | 0200 |
DTM | 0300 | |
REF | 0400 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 0500 | |
N2 | 0600 | |
N3 | 0700 | |
N4 | 0800 | |
REF | 0900 | |
PER | 1000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LIN | 0100 | |
PID | 0200 | |
REF | 0300 | |
LOC | Location | 0350 |
CID | Characteristic/Class ID | 0400 |
DTM | 0500 | |
QTY | 0600 | |
PWK | Paperwork | 0650 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 0700 | |
N2 | 0800 | |
N3 | 0900 | |
N4 | 1000 | |
REF | 1100 | |
PER | 1200 | |
QTY | 1250 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PRR | Problem Report | 1300 |
MSG | Message Text | 1400 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N9 | 1430 | |
MSG | Message Text | 1450 |
Segment | Name | Position |
REP | Repair Action | 1500 |
MSG | Message Text | 1600 |
QTY | 1700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N9 | 1800 | |
MSG | Message Text | 1900 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PRT | Part Disposition | 2000 |
N1 | 2100 | |
N2 | 2200 | |
N3 | 2300 | |
N4 | 2400 | |
REF | 2500 | |
PER | 2600 |
Segment | Name | Position |
ITA | Allowance, Charge or Service | 2700 |
CUR | 2800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SLN | 2900 | |
REF | 3000 | |
LOC | Location | 3050 |
DTM | 3100 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 3200 | |
N2 | 3300 | |
N3 | 3400 | |
N4 | 3500 | |
REF | 3600 | |
PER | 3700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PRR | Problem Report | 3800 |
MSG | Message Text | 3900 |
Segment | Name | Position |
REP | Repair Action | 4000 |
MSG | Message Text | 4100 |
QTY | 4200 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PRT | Part Disposition | 4300 |
N1 | 4400 | |
N2 | 4500 | |
N3 | 4600 | |
N4 | 4700 | |
REF | 4800 | |
PER | 4900 |
Segment | Name | Position |
ITA | Allowance, Charge or Service | 5000 |
CUR | 5100 | |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 5200 |
Notes |
1/0200 | BGN02 is used as an initial reference for this transaction. BGN03 defines the date of this Product Service Notification transaction. |
1/0300 | The DTM segments, if used, contain sequentially the date by which the work should be completed. |
1/0500 | The N1 loop defines the party submitting the product recall notice or service bulletin and the succeeding iterations reference the parties to whom the recall notice or service bulletin is to be sent. When there is to be only a single recipient, the N1 loop will be used twice. |
2/0100 | The LIN segment is used to explicitly describe the item being recalled or on which there is a product service notification. The LIN segment contains 235 - 234 data element pairs that can be used to identify the product manufacturer (MF), model number (MN), serial number (SN), equipment identification number (EM), vehicle identification number (VV), model year (RY), etc. |
2/0200 | The PID segment provides capability for further description of a product that cannot be described in an LIN segment. PID03 to PID05 can be used to describe these features, such as the cab configuration of a vehicle. PID05 may contain a free-form description of the product. If so, PID01 must be "X." If PID05 is not used, PID01 will be an "S." PID02 will be set to "08," "product." PID06 is not used. |
2/0300 | The REF segments are used to contain the serial number of the item being recalled or to be serviced, a list of all serial numbers, a range of serial numbers to indicate the first and last items in the sequence being recalled or on which the product service notification has been issued. Obviously, there are other phrases that could be substituted for serial number, such as engineering change number, vehicle identification number, or lot number as used in the case of food or pharmaceutical products. At least one REF, DTM or QTY segment is normally required for each LIN loop. Usually the REF segment in the detail area is used to carry this information. The REF segment in the header would be used when this is considered administrative information rather than detailed information. |
2/0350 | The LOC segment is used to describe the position of equipment within a structure or an assembly, subassembly, or part within a piece of equipment in space relative to an origin. For example, it could describe the location of a telephone switch within a building and of an individual circuit card within the switch by giving the position of a drawer within a rack within the switch. |
2/0400 | The CID segment is used to specify the service characteristics affected by the change to the listed product. CID04 and CID05 are used to describe the characteristics that are affected. CID05, when used, contains a free-form description of the affected characteristic. |
2/0500 | The DTM segment can be used to specify the first and last manufacturing or ship dates involved in the recall or service bulletin. The DTM segment finds its principal use when no REF segment can be used. That is, when there are no serial numbers that can be used. If desired, the DTM segment can be used in addition to the REF segment. |
2/0600 | The QTY segment is used to reflect the quantity of items that are being specified in this individual instance of the product service notification, it known, The QTY segment most likely would be used when serial numbers or date codes are not applicable. |
2/0650 | The PWK (paperwork) segment is used to identify the type, title, and version number of a hard copy report associated with the service bulletin or recall notice. Note that as it is a hard copy document it cannot be processed by a computer. Thus, it is recommended that the use of this segment be avoided. |
2/0700 | The N1 loop is used to identify any individual or organization who is registered as the person to notify in case of a product recall or for required service, such as an engineering change. |
2/0900 | The maximum use of the N3 segment has been set at three to allow a separate field for each identifier for the location of a piece of equipment within a facility or of an assembly, subassembly, or part within a piece of equipment. Examples have been found where there are seven individual items of location required. If the count for the N3 segment was smaller, it would be necessary to concatenate some of this information. |
2/1100 | The REF segment identifies the serial number of the items involved in the notification under the control of the party named in the N1 segment. This could be a fleet owner or dealer for automobiles. |
2/1250 | The QTY (quantity) segment is used within the N1 loop to identify the total quantity of the parts, sub-assemblies, assemblies, or products located at the address specified in the N1 loop. |
2/1300 | The PRR loop is used to identify the problem or problems that caused this recall, change notice, or service bulletin. One single problem may require the PRR segment to be repeated several times. The PRR segment can contain a code that describes the urgency or severity of the problem. If the problem is with the product, the PRR segment would be required. However, if the problem is in a subassembly, it will be necessary to use the SLN loop. When the SLN loop is used its PRR loop becomes mandatory. Thus, either the PRR loop in the basic LIN loop is required or the PRR loop within the SLN loop is required. Seldom would both be required within a single occurrence of the transaction. |
2/1400 | The MSG segment is used for additional textual information with respect to the problem report that cannot be coded or as may be required by law or as needed to completely cover notification or product change reason information. It is carried within MSG01. The multiple use of the MSG segment allows the instructions to be as long and complex as required. It is good practice to not allow sentences to straddle the boundary of the MSG segment. It is virtually imperative that individual words do not cross the boundary of an MSG segment. It must be noted that normally it is not possible to process the textual information contained in the MSG with a computer program. Thus, it is much better to use coded data. |
2/1430 | The N9 loop within the PRR loop is used to identify the additional free-form messages in the following MSG segment with regard to the problem, feature, change, etc. that is affected. This would be used rather than the previous MSG segment only when discrete identifiers must be associated with the messages. It is capable of containing a date and time associated with the message. |
2/1450 | The MSG segment is used for additional textual information with respect to the problem report that cannot be coded or as may be required by law or as needed to completely cover notification or product change reason information. It is carried within MSG01. The multiple use of the MSG segment allows the instructions to be as long and complex as required. It is good practice to not allow sentences to straddle the boundary of the MSG segment. It is virtually imperative that individual words do not cross the boundary of an MSG segment. It must be noted that normally it is not possible to process the textual information contained in the MSG with a computer program. Thus, it is much better to use coded data. |
2/1500 | The REP segment or segments are used to describe the recommended repair action or the return to the manufacturer for this iteration of the PRR loop |
2/1600 | The MSG segments within the REP loop are used to describe verbally a service action whenever the repair or product change service instructions can not be encoded. The MSG segments are associated with the previous REP segment. The use of the multiple MSG segment allows the instructions to be as long and complex are required. It is good practice to not allow sentences to straddle the boundary of an MSG segment. It is virtually imperative that the individual words do not cross the boundary of the MSG segment. It must be noted that the use of the MSG segment is an inhibitor for full computer processing of the transaction set. Thus, coded values should be used whenever possible. |
2/1700 | The QTY segment within the REP loop is able to contain the service hours required for this repair action. They can be either the hours allowed or the actual service hours. |
2/1800 | The N9 loop within the REP loop is used to identify the additional free-form messages in the following MSG segment with regard to the repair or change action that is affected. This would be used rather than the previous MSG segment only when discrete identifiers must be associated with the messages. It is capable of containing a date and time associated with the message. |
2/1900 | The MSG segment within the N9 loop within the REP loop is used whenever there are further service instructions that must be uniquely identified by the preceding REF segment. The multiple use of the MSG segment allows the messages to be as long as required. |
2/2000 | The PRT loop is used to identify the disposition of a product assembly, subassembly, or part and where to ship them. |
2/2100 | The following Nn segments can be used to tell where to return a product or assembly or to send it for disposal. |
2/2500 | The REF segment can contain the return authorization code. |
2/2700 | The ITA segment specifies if there is to be a credit adjustment or fixed amount for a required repair or engineering change. |
2/2900 | The SLN loop is used to describe assemblies or subassemblies or parts within an assembly that may be the specific cause of the product service, change notice, or recall notification, in whatever assembly they appear. If they appear in more than one product family, each product family would required a separate transaction, although they could be grouped within a single transmission. It would be unusual to find problems or engineering changes reported in both the basic LIN loop and its SLN loop. |
2/3000 | The REF segments are used to contain the serial number of the item being recalled or to be serviced, a list of all serial numbers, a range of serial numbers to indicate the first and last items in the sequence being recalled or on which the product service notification has been issued. Obviously, there are other phrases that could be substituted for serial number, such as engineering change number, vehicle identification number, or lot number as used in the case of food or pharmaceutical products. At least one REF, DTM or QTY segment is normally required for each LIN loop. Usually the REF segment in the detail area is used to carry information. The REF segment in the header would be used when this considered administrative information rather than detailed information about the product. |
2/3050 | The LOC segment is used to describe the position of equipment within a structure or an assembly, subassembly, or part within a piece of equipment in space relative to an origin. For example, it could describe the location of a telephone switch within a building and of an individual circuit card within the switch by giving the position of a drawer within a rack within the switch. |
2/3100 | The DTM segment can be used to specify the first and last manufacturing or ship dates involved in the recall or service bulletin. The DTM segment finds its principal use when no REF segment can be used. That is, when there are no serial numbers that can be used. If desired, the DTM segment can be used in addition to the REF segment. |
2/3200 | The N1 loop is used to identify any individual or organization who is registered as the person to notify in case of a product recall or for required service, such as an engineering change. |
2/3600 | The REF segment identifies the serial number of the items involved in the notification under the control of the party named in the N1 segment. This could be a fleet owner or dealer for automobiles. |
2/3800 | The PRR loop is used to identify the problem or problems that caused this recall, change notice, or service bulletin. One single problem may require the PRR segment to be repeated several times. The PRR segment can contain a code that describes the urgency or severity of the problem. If the problem is with the product, the PRR segment would be required. However, if the problem is in a subassembly, it will be necessary to use the SLN loop. When the SLN loop is used its PRR loop becomes mandatory. Thus, either the PRR loop in the basic LIN loop is required or the PRR loop within the SLN loop is required. Seldom would both be required within a single occurrence of the transaction. |
2/3900 | The MSG segment is used for additional textual information with respect to the problem report that cannot be coded or as may be required by law or as needed to completely cover notification or product change reason information. It is carried within MSG01. The multiple use of the MSG segment allows the instructions to be as long and complex as required. It is good practice to not allow sentences to straddle the boundary of the MSG segment. It is virtually imperative that individual words do not cross the boundary of an MSG segment. It must be noted that normally it is not possible to process the textual information contained in the MSG with a computer program. Thus, it is much better to use coded data. |
2/4000 | The REP segment or segments are used to describe the recommended repair action or the return to the manufacturer for this iteration of the PRR loop. |
2/4100 | The MSG segments within the REP loop are used to describe verbally a service action whenever the repair or product change service instructions cannot be encoded. The MSG segments are associated with the previous REP segment. The use of the multiple MSG segment allows the instructions to be as long and as complex as required. It is good practice not to allow sentences to straddle the boundary of an MSG segment. It is virtually imperative that the individual words do not cross the boundary of an MSG segment. It must be noted that the use of the MSG segment is an inhibitor for full computer processing of the transaction. Thus, coded values should be used whenever possible. |
2/4200 | The QTY segment within the REP loop is able to contain the service hours required for this repair action. They can be either the hours allowed or the actual service hours. |
2/4300 | The PRT loop is used to identify the disposition of a product assembly, subassembly, or part and where to ship them. |
2/4400 | The following Nn segments can be used to tell where to return a product or assembly or to send it for disposal. |
2/4800 | The REF segment can contain the return authorization code. |
2/5000 | The ITA segment specifies if there is to be a credit adjustment or a fixed amount for a required repair or engineering change. |
rev 22/11/2024