Product: Transaction Manager
Error: Event TxnExport, RequestID XXXX, for CustProfileID XXX encountered a fatal error while being redirected to another server.
Issue: When attempting to import or export Transactions between Transaction Manager and a Locally Integrated Business System you receive the error: 'Event TxnExport, RequestID XXXX, for CustProfileID XXX encountered a fatal error while being redirected to another server.'
Reason: Communication between Transaction Manager and your Server/Machine was interrupted.
Solution - Try Again in a Few Minutes
Most interruptions will self-resolve themselves as the connection is restored. Giving around 10 to 15 minutes for the servers to reconnect to each other will solve most instances of this error.
Solution - Restart Your Integration Service/Server
If the issue persists after a significant period of time has passed, it is recommended that you restart either the Integration Service being utilized and/or the Server that hosts the Integration Service.
This can allow for your system to clear out any old attempts and try fresh. Preventing old operations from failing again.
Solution - Try a Smaller Batch of Transactions
If restarting the Service/Server did not resolve the issue you can try performing your Import/Export but with fewer Transactions selected.
Sometimes when attempting to process large number of transactions, or data heavy transactions the Integration Service can receive slow responses from your Business System which may exceed the timeout per-request resulting in a timeout issue.
By reducing the amount of data the Integration Service and your System has to process, can help push the data at a reasonable speed resulting in success.
If the issue persists - please contact TrueCommerce Support
rev 10/8/2024