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Scheduler - Configuring a Scheduled Event
Scheduler - Configuring a Scheduled Event
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a year ago

Product: Transaction Manager & Scheduler

If you own the Scheduler add-on you can configure various Scheduled Events to run on a Monthly, Weekly, Daily, or Hourly timer that will repeat various actions such as Imports, Exports, Sends, and Reports helping to automate your system and reducing the need for a user to constantly monitor your EDI Mailbox.

Locally Hosted Integrations

Adding/Modifying/Deleting Scheduled Events requires you to be signed-on with the active Scheduler Machine for any non-Cloud based solutions

Scheduled Events Screen

The Scheduler screen located under the Administration β†’ Scheduler menu of Transaction Manager will hold a list of all your current events. If you are signed in using the Active Scheduler Machine you can make changes such as adding or modifying an existing event.

Locally Hosted Integrations

If you're not signed in as the active Scheduler Machine you can view the events and see when they've last executed.


If you would like to add a new Scheduled Event you can do so directly inside Transaction Manager by navigating to the scheduler screen and selecting the New option within the blue bar.

Navigate: Administration β†’ Scheduler

Select: New


In order to modify an existing Scheduled Event you'll want to select the plus (+) icon on your Event to expand its details - then select Edit

Navigate: Administration β†’ Scheduler

Find: Your Scheduled Event

Click: The plus (+) icon

Select: Edit

Configuring an Event

Each Scheduler Event is a set of options that control what and how the event will be handled.

Event Configuration

The Event Configuration section is where you'll configure the primary function of the Scheduled Event


If checked - this Scheduled Event will run. Unchecked it will be ignored and will not run any new events.


For customers utilizing both a Cloud based Integration as well as a Local based integration - allows toggling Events between the two.


The Type dropdown is where you configure the primary function of the Scheduled Event - whether it's to perform an Integrated Import/Export or to Send existing EDI Transactions from your Outbox




Sends all valid transactions in Outbox to Trading Partners


Exports any Transactions in your Inbox to your Integrated Business System or Flat-File Integration


Imports any Documents/Files from your Integrated Business System or Flat-File Integration into the Outbox


Combines Import + Send into one action


Generates a saved Report from Transaction Manager and Emails it

Inventory Import

Imports Inventory from your Integrated Business System creating an Inventory Report (846) in your Outbox

Inventory Import/Send

Combines Inventory Import + Send into one action

Event Name

The name for the Scheduled Event that will be displayed within Transaction Manager and emails

Event Status Email Notification

Allows emailing of errors or warnings to a specified email address

Notification Type


Email on Error

Emails only when an error has occurred during this Scheduled Event resulting in the event failing

Email on Warning

Emails only when a non-failing warning is raised for this Scheduled Event

Email on Error or Warning

Emails on either Error or Warnings

Email Addresses

The email address to which Notifications will be sent (if enabled)

You can assign multiple emails separating with a comma or semi-colon


Allows for additional description information to be displayed

Recurrence Pattern

The Recurrence Pattern section is where you'll be able to set how often the Scheduled Event runs and what sort of repeating it will utilize.


The recurrence defined is what ultimately sets the pattern for Scheduler to know how often to repeat this Scheduled Event.




Can be set to repeat once a day, every hour, or down to a 30-minute window


Can be used to repeat every X-amount of weeks, while specifying which days it will run


Can be used to repeat every Nth day of every X month(s)

Start Date

The Start Date determines that starting point at which the Recurrence Pattern will then begin.

If you have a Daily Pattern set to repeat every 2-Hours - with the Start Date of Today @ 8:50AM.

Then the System will repeat starting at 8:50AM and repeating every 2-hours after (10:50AM, 12:50PM, 2:50PM, etc.)

If your Start Date has already passed when setting for the first time - then your event will not run as it will not receive the initial Start Date/Time needed to initiate the pattern

rev 1/30/2024

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