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NetSuite - Auto-Pack Setup
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over 9 months ago

Product: NetSuite

Whenever you're sending Advance Ship Notices (856) with your Trading Partner you'll need to package the contents of your Item Fulfillment for each shipment that is being delivered which can be a time-consuming manual process.

The Auto-Pack option allows you to define rules about items, and provide templates to allow the system to automatically package those Item Fulfillments reducing the manual work-flow required.

Item Package Quantity

Every Item that is being shipped takes up physical space within a Package - sometimes referred to as a Carton. As such most items have what is known as a Pack Size or a Inner Pack Quantity. It's the number of times that a single item can fit within a Package before it fills the box.

You can set this number for any of your Inventory Items under the TC - Auto Pack tab located within your Item details screen where you can set the Package Quantity to represent how many of this item can fit inside a box together.

Note: These settings are used for Pure Cartons only - use Templates for Mixed-Carton Configurations

Navigate: Lists → Accounting → Items → (Item)

Navigate: TC - Auto Pack

Enter: Package Quantity

Item Search

You can perform a search for TrueCommerce Package Settings by using the Item Package Settings button from your TC - EDI tab to quickly view, and edit items.

Searching Items

You can view and edit your Inventory Item Package Settings easily in a list view by using the Item Package Settings search - from here by enabling the inline edit option you can update your items from a single screen rather than individually.

Leave the search criteria blank to view all items - optionally you can fill out search criteria to narrow the results down

Navigate: TC - EDI → Package Settings → Item Package Settings

Select: Submit

Inline Editing

Enable the EDIT button in order to be able to make modifications from the List View rather than having to open individual items up to modify it

With EDIT enable you can click the QUANTITY field to modify the TrueCommerce Package Quantity directly from the search results.

Package Templates

With Package Templates you can create various rules that configure how items may pack along with other items for common use-case scenarios.

These templates can then be easily selected within an Item Fulfillment as needed, to override the default Item Package Settings for an individual item so that you can customize a packaging based on need.

Viewing Templates

Navigate: TC - EDI → Package Settings → Auto-Pack Template

Creating Templates

When creating your Auto-Pack Templates you can create them based off of Quantity or Weight as well as define the items in the template and how their packaging would be structured along with other items.

Creating a Template

Navigate: TC - EDI → Package Settings → Auto-Pack Template → New

Template Name: Name of the Template

Box Description: Short description of Template

Package By: Select Quantity or Weight

Item Details

Within the Auto-Pack tab you can add items you wish to define rules for grouping for this particular template - assigning out the Box # (sequentially) to define which items are grouped together, and defining their Pack Quantity for how many fit within a single package/carton.

Box #: Which box group this item fits in, all items marked with the same box # will be put into the same package upon generation. Separate items into different Box #s to package them separately.

Item: The NetSuite Item code

Pack Quantity: How many fit within a package.

Additional Resources

rev 6/23/2023

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