NetSuite - Importing an Invoice
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a week ago

Product: NetSuite

An Invoice (810) for EDI is created by importing a Invoice from NetSuite into Transaction Manager.

Importing an Invoice

You'll need to have a Invoice created within NetSuite in order for Transaction Manager to have anything to generate the Invoice from.

Initiating Import

Navigate: Transactions β†’ Outbox β†’ Import

Search Criteria

While you can use numerous options to filter your criteria down - the primary ones you'll want to use to find an Invoice is that of Transaction Type, Document Number, and Transaction Status

Transaction Type: Set to Invoice

Document Number (Optional): Setting this to Contains allows you to search by Invoice #

Transaction Status (Optional): All Txns (All Transactions) if previously imported into TM

Selection & Import

Transaction Manager will return a list of all documents matching the criteria - check the ones you wish to import and select Import to generate the EDI Invoices

Successful Imports

Successfully imported Invoices will show up within your Integration Activity with the Document # representing the Invoice # generated/set within Transaction Manager.

Navigate: System Activity β†’ Integration Activity

If no Invoice # is assigned from the Integrations layer - this will automatically be generated.

rev 6/5/2023

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