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Sage 100 - Creating Advance Ship Notices

Need to send an Advance Ship Notice? You'll need to properly package your Shipping Data entry first - here's how

Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over 2 years ago

Product: Sage 100

In order to create an Advance Ship Notice (856) to be sent to your Trading Partner you must first properly configure a Shipping Data Entry in a way that allows Transaction Manager to have all the information it needs to generate the Advance Ship Notice.

Packing Your Items

You'll need to first pack your items into their respective packages and mark how many of a particular item is to be shipped within your Shipping Data Entry.

Shipped Quantity

You'll need to mark your Shipped quantity within the Lines tab of your Shipping Data Entry so that Transaction Manager knows how many are being Shipped vs Back Ordered.

Navigate: Lines

Fill: Shipped

Quantity Shipped

Set Package Number

For each of your items - you'll need to set the Package # in order to split your items into different packages if you're creating an SOPI or SOIP style Advance Ship Notice format.

Navigate: Lines

Fill: Pkg

Package Setup

Note: By default all items are assigned to Package 0001 - if you do not wish to split your Cartons/Packs then no modification is required.

Package Items

With your specific Package Number selected in the Pkg field - you can pack your items within the Item Packaging Maintenance window in order for the system to know how many of a single item, fit in a single package.

Navigate: Lines β†’ Item Packaging

Fill: Quantity in Package

Check: in Package

Item Packaging Maintenance

Note: If you'd like to split the same item code across two different packages you can do so by setting the Quantity in Package across multiple Packages using the navigation arrows

Shipping Info & Tracking Numbers

You'll need to enter the Shipping tab at least once in order for the Ship Status to move to the required status of Shipped (otherwise it'll stay as Lines Complete).

You can also enter any remaining shipping information such as the FOB, Ship Via, Ship Weight, and Freight Amount. You'll also see a No. of Pkgs to easily provide you with a summary of how many packages exist within this shipment.

Navigate: Shipping

Shipping Tab

Add tracking

If you wish to add Tracking Numbers you can do so by selecting the Tracking... button within the Shipping tab.

This will bring up a prompt for you to fill out a Tracking # for each package created previously.

Tracking Numbers

TrueCommerce/EDI Fields

You can use the TrueCommerce tab to set any additional information specific to EDI - such as Carrier Pro, Bill of Lading, SCAC, and ASN Type/Consolidation

ASN Type

You'll need to set your ASN Type within the TrueCommerce tab in order for the system to know what structure to create.

ASN Consolidation

If you wish to have your Advance Ship Notice consolidated - you can set the ASN Consolidation option.

Additional Resources

rev 1/25/2023

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