Product: CrazyTalk
Article Link:
CrazyTalk is configured in 2 places, the first is the CTGPConnector which controls the Input/Output for Dynamics GP files - while the ImportExportConfiguration controls the Input/Output for Transaction Manager files
Note: After any modifications are done - RESTART CRAZYTALK SERVICES for them to properly take affect
CT GP Connector
Navigate: C:\Program Files\vSync\CrazyTalk\CTGPImportExportConfiguration
Launch: CTGPImportExportConfiguration.exe
Note: Prefix your Out files with an asterisk * - allowing files prefixed with the username (default behavior) to properly be recognized
Import/Export Configuration
Navigate: C:\Program Files\vSync\CrazyTalk\ImportExportConfiguration
Launch: vSync_Import_Export_Configuration.exe
Note: Append your Out files with _%datetime% to produce a timestamp when outputting - this avoids overwriting files not yet picked up by Transaction Manager
rev 8/18/22