Product: Transaction Manager
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Congratulations on purchasing a new connector for your warehouse implementation with TrueCommerce! We can help you get up and running using the following easy steps:
1. Confirm Scope of Warehouse Implementation
Your warehouse should provide you with the scope of the implementation. The scope may include the transactions that will be involved, the transaction flow, and other pertinent information regarding your setup. Share this information with your assigned Implementation Specialist.
2. Set up Partner List for your Warehouse partner
This is the process of adding the customer name values in the Warehouse partner in Transaction Manager.
βNote: Use the name of the warehouse as it is referred to in your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)/business system. For instance, this may be in a location, warehouse, or Third Party Logistics (3PL) field on your sales order or warehouse shipping order document.
See Partner List Setup.
3. Set up Item Catalog for your Warehouse
This will include all items and cross references (Item Translation) from your business system to TrueCommerce.
See Item Catalog Setup.
4. Establish Import Document Type for Warehouse Partner
See Import Document Type.
5. Participate in Testing
The testing process will ensure that the connection between your business and your warehouse is working and that you will be fully operational when it is time to go live. It is important for all parties to be present and participate in the testing process. For information regarding this process and what it entails, contact your assigned Implementation Specialist.
Coordinate with your TrueCommerce representative and go live!
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Partner to Partner Turnaround (for non-integrated users)
rev: 02/22/24