Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 857
857 - Shipment and Billing Notice
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Shipment and Billing Notice Transaction Set (857) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set provides the recipient of a shipment with data for both receipt planning and payment generation.
EDI and telecommunications technologies suggest efficiencies in the way business data is processed. For example, the sender of a shipment may send the recipient's receiving function a Ship Notice/Manifest (856), and the payables function an Invoice (810), even though the contents of these two documents may be largely redundant. In certain business environments, the Shipment and Billing Notice permits the consolidation of these two documents into one.
Specifically, this transaction set is appropriate where the shipment data, when it includes terms and item prices, can be used both to plan receipts and to generate payment. In this environment, the exact prices for the items shipped may not be known in advance by both parties. This transaction set is not appropriate in so-called Evaluated Receipts Settlement (ERS) environments, in which the exact prices for the items shipped have been agreed upon by, and are known to, both parties in advance.
This transaction set is not to be used to replace the Ship Notice/Manifest (856) or Invoice (810) individually, but only to replace both, together. For example, do not use this transaction set in place of a Ship Notice/Manifest while continuing to send either paper or electronic invoice.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | 0100 | |
BHT | Beginning of Hierarchical Transaction | 0200 |
Segment | Name | Position |
HL | 0300 |
Segment | Name | Position |
G05 | Total Shipment Information | 0400 |
TD1 | 0500 | |
TD3 | 0600 | |
TD4 | 0700 | |
TD5 | 0800 | |
FOB | 0900 | |
DTM | 1000 | |
N9 | 1100 | |
PER | 1200 | |
CUR | 1300 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 1400 | |
N2 | 1500 | |
N3 | 1600 | |
N4 | 1700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LM | Code Source Information | 1750 |
LQ | Industry Code Identification | 1760 |
Segment | Name | Position |
TDS | Total Monetary Value Summary | 1800 |
PRF | 1900 | |
N9 | 2000 | |
DTM | 2100 | |
ITD | 2200 | |
TXI | 2300 | |
SN1 | 2350 | |
ISS | Invoice Shipment Summary | 2370 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SAC | 2400 | |
TXI | 2500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 2600 | |
N2 | 2700 | |
N3 | 2800 | |
N4 | 2900 |
Segment | Name | Position |
FA1 | Type of Financial Accounting Data | 2940 |
FA2 | Accounting Data | 2950 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PAL | Pallet Type and Load Characteristics | 3000 |
SN1 | 3050 | |
MAN | 3100 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 3200 |
N9 | 3250 | |
SN1 | 3280 | |
PO4 | 3300 | |
MEA | 3400 | |
PKG | Marking, Packaging, Loading | 3500 |
MAN | 3600 |
Segment | Name | Position |
IT1 | Baseline Item Data (Invoice) | 3700 |
IT3 | Additional Item Data | 3800 |
PO4 | 3900 | |
TD4 | 3950 | |
TC2 | Commodity | 4000 |
TXI | 4100 | |
CTP | Pricing Information | 4200 |
N9 | 4300 | |
MEA | 4400 | |
DTM | 4450 | |
ITD | 4460 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PID | 4500 | |
MEA | 4600 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SLN | 4700 | |
PID | 4800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SAC | 4900 | |
TXI | 5000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LM | Code Source Information | 5050 |
LQ | Industry Code Identification | 5060 |
Segment | Name | Position |
FA1 | Type of Financial Accounting Data | 5070 |
FA2 | Accounting Data | 5080 |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 5100 |
Notes |
1/0200 | BHT01, Hierarchical Structure Code, may only contain the code values 0001, 0002, and 0003. |
1/0200 | When BHT01, the Hierarchical Structure Code, contains a value of 0001, the levels of the transaction set are Shipment, Order, Tare (pallet), Pack (carton), Subpack, and Item. The levels, when used, must always appear (in the transmission) in the above order, e.g., the tare level cannot be subordinate to the item level; however, the pack level may be omitted. |
1/0200 | When BHT01, the Hierarchical Structure Code, contains a value of 0002, the levels of the transaction set are Shipment, Order, Item, Tare (pallet), Pack (carton), and Subpack. The levels, when used, must always appear (in the transmission) in the above order, e.g., the tare level cannot be subordinate to the pack level; however, the tare level may be omitted. |
1/0200 | When BHT01, Hierarchical Structure Code, contains a value of 0003, the levels of the transaction set are Shipment, Tare (pallet), Pack (carton), Subpack, Order and Item. The levels, when used, must always appear ( in the transaction set) in the above order, e.g., the pack level can not be subordinate to the order level, however the pack level may be omitted. |
1/0200 | BHT03 and BHT04 are mandatory. |
1/0300 | HL01 (Hierarchical ID Number) will be assigned sequentially within the hierarchy starting with one and incremented by one for each HL segment. |
1/0300 | HL02 (Hierarchical Parent ID) will have the value of 0 when used at the Shipment Level. |
1/0300 | HL03 (Hierarchical Level Code) may only contain the codes: S (Shipment Level), O (Order Level), T (Tare Level), P (Pack Level), Q (Subpack Level), and I (Item Level). |
1/0400 | The BS1 loop may only be used at the Shipment Level. |
1/0400 | The transaction set shall contain one and only one occurrence of the BS1 loop, Shipment level. |
1/1800 | The BS2 loop may only be used at the Order Level. |
1/1800 | The Transaction Set shall contain at least one occurrence of the BS2 loop, Order Level. |
1/3000 | The BS3 loop may only be used at the Tare (pallet) Level. |
1/3200 | The BS4 loop may only be used at the Pack (carton) and Subpack Levels. The Subpack Level may only be used in conjunction with the Pack Level. |
1/3200 | LX01 (Assigned Number) will be sequentially assigned starting with one and incremented by one for each LX segment. |
1/3200 | The LX segment is used to bound the segments for the Pack and Subpack Levels to allow all segments within the loop to be optional. It has no relevance to the application data being sent. |
1/3700 | The BS5 loop may only be used at the Item Level. |
1/3700 | There shall be at least one occurrence of the BS5 loop, Item Level within each Order Level. |
Comments |
1/0100 | The structure of this transaction set is one shipment of one or more orders. |
1/0100 | This transaction set is used to convey information that is normally found on a shipping/receiving document and a invoice, in a paper environment. In most cases prices are excluded from the receiving documents. Care should be exercised to keep this information from the receiving area if it is the current practice to exclude such information. It may be prudent to consult an auditor or legal representative if there is any question. |
rev 11/12/2024