Product: QuickBooks Enterprise
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Once an Invoice has been created inside of QuickBooks Enterprise you can import it into Transaction Manager in order to generate the EDI version of the Invoice (810) to be sent to your Trading Partner.
Importing an Invoice
You'll need to have your Invoice created within QuickBooks Enterprise in order for Transaction Manager to have anything to generate the EDI version from.
Initiating Import
Navigate: Transactions β Outbox
Select: Import
Need more details on the different types of Import options?
check out the article below
Transaction Search
While you can use numerous options to filter your criteria down - the primary ones you'll want to use to find an Invoice is that of Transaction Type, Document Number, and Transaction Status
Transaction Type: Set to Invoice
Document Number (Optional): Setting this to Contains allows you to search by Invoice #
Transaction Status (Optional): All Txns (All Transactions) if previously imported into TM
Selection & Import
Transaction Manager will return a list of all documents matching the criteria - check the ones you wish to import and select Import to generate the EDI Invoices
Your Invoice (810) will now appear within the Outbox ready to be viewed, modified, or sent to the Trading Partner.
Additional Resources
rev 5/25/2023