Sage 100 - [Setting] Error on Duplicate
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a week ago

Product: Sage 100

Setting: Error on Duplicate PO #

Used For: Purchase Orders (Exports)

The Error on Duplicate PO # setting within Transaction Manager allows the system to check against the Cust PO and Ship-To Code field within a Sale Order Entry within Sage 100 during a Purchase Order (850) export from your Inbox.

If a Purchase Order was already received from this particular Trading Partner the system will provide an error message and prevent the Purchase Order within the Inbox from being passed into Sage 100 - and will remain in the inbox to be handled manually.

Enabling Duplicate PO Checks

You can enable this setting either globally (for all customers) or at the Trading Partner level

Global Setting

Navigate: Business System → (Company) → Company Configurations → Integration Options

Check: Error on Duplicate PO #

Partner Setting

Navigate: Trading Partners → (Partner) → Preferences → Integrations

Select: Purchase Order (Export) for Integration Type

Select: Use Partner Level Settings

Select: Error on Duplicate PO #

WARNING: Enabling this at the partner level will override any Global Setting that are listed in this page - be sure to mimic all settings for this Partner you wish to keep the same as the Global Settings

rev 5/19/2023

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