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Sage 100
Sage 100 - [ERROR] xxx is not on file. (FieldName: ShipToCode$ Value: xxx)
Sage 100 - [ERROR] xxx is not on file. (FieldName: ShipToCode$ Value: xxx)
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a week ago

Product: Sage 100

Error: xxxis not on file. (FieldName: ShipToCode$ Value: xxx)

Issue: When attempting to export out a Purchase Order (850) from your Trading Partner within the inbox of Transaction Manager - you receive the error: 'xxx is not on file. (FieldName: ShipToCode$ Value: xxx)'

Reason: The value provided by your Trading Partner is not a valid Ship-To code for this particular customer within Sage 100

Solution - Update Ship To Code

Navigate: Accounts Receivable → Customer Maintenance → Ship To Address

Add: New Ship-To Code

Sage 100 - Customer Maintenance

Sage 100 - Ship-To Maintenance

Solution - Add Address List Translation

If the code that your Trading Partner has sent you does not match what you need to have within your Sage 100 system - you can use the Address List within Transaction Manager to translate the value automatically to your Sage 100 code.

Navigate: Trading Partners → (Partner Name) → Translations → Address List

Select: Add

Enter: EDI Code (Trading Partner)

Enter: Bus Sys Code (Sage 100)

Transaction Manager - Address List

Additional Resources

rev 5/19/2023

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