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Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains Enterprise: Segment Mapping
Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains Enterprise: Segment Mapping

Segment Mapping allows a user to directly map data to a specific field in the Dynamics GPE sales transaction (or ASN Main) on import.

Rebecca Clever avatar
Written by Rebecca Clever
Updated over a year ago

Product: Integrations

Have you experienced opportunities where a specific value is needed in a Dynamics GPE field to facilitate multiple Outgoing Document Layout Formats (ODLFs) or specific functionality from another integrated application like WMS or even to correctly build an Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) from an inbound Warehouse Shipping Advice (945)? Read on to learn how to leverage Segment Mapping in our Dynamics GPE modules.

Segment Map to the Inbound Sales Order in TrueCommerce Main

Inside of the TrueCommerce Warehouse Integration, there are two ways to leverage segment mapping:

  • Segment Map to the ASN (via the 945 to ASN integration)

  • Segment Map other Sales Transaction fields through the Warehouse integration

Segment Map to the Inbound Sales Order in TrueCommerce Main

To segment map to the inbound sales order:

1. Within TrueCommerce Main, select Customer from the XREFs Menu.

NOTE: You will need to first ensure that the following keyword is present in the Setup > SOP > Customer Default SEGMAP. If this is being added for the first time and the windows or options in the following steps are grayed out, you may need to restart Dynamics GPE.

2. In the Customer Cross-Reference window, use the magnifying glass or manually enter the assigned Dynamics GPE Customer Profile ID for the partner for which you wish to modify or create Segment Mapping. This should result in the entire window being populated accurately.

Click Advanced.

3. At the bottom of the Advanced Options Setup window, click Segment Mapping.

4. This opens the Segment Mapping Setup window. Populate the Mapping and Customer IDs.

a. Mapping ID – this should be a shortened explanation of the partner and what purpose
this segment map serves.

For example: TEST – TD503 SHP MTHD

b. Customer ID – use the magnifying glass to select the Dynamics GPE customer ID.

5. Storing Element Setup: The fields, below, need to be populated based upon the desired outcome. Review the fields (some are optional) to determine which should be leveraged and used for your specific need(s).

a. Segment – hard key the segment prefix and then use the drop-down to select the

element which contains the value you wish to map.

For example: BEG, REF, TD5, PO1, etc. This value can be pulled from the raw EDI

view of the document in Transaction Manager or Account Management using
this article.

b. Destination – where you want this value to be mapped in the Dynamics GPE Sales


NOTE: The drop-down options will vary depending on the Level selected in the next field.

c. Level – either Detail (line level data) or Summary (document level data).

d. Destination Option - determines how Dynamics GPE should treat this request if data

already exists in that same field.

For example: Segment: TD5 | 03 Destination: EXT Header – User Defined 2
Level: Summary Destination Option: Overwrite Field


e. Hard Coded Value – use this if you have a specific static value which needs to be mapped to a specific GPE field in certain scenarios (can only be used for document level segment mapping needs).

f. Alter Date – use this when populating header date fields and the partner value needs to be altered (by either adding or subtracting days).

g. Report As – if there should be an error or warning in the resulting Total Reports Crystal Report when this action is performed.

h. Roll Header Changes to Line [checkbox] – allows the Site, Taxes, or other document level values with corresponding line level fields to trickle down.

6. Conditions Setup – Under which circumstances should Dynamics GPE perform the desired Segment Mapping.

a. Segment – like the Segment in Step 5, this section should contain the segment

prefix and the element number from the drop-down.

b. Level – unlike the Level in Step 5, this denotes whether the condition is dependent

on a specific instance of a value, or any instance of that value. If you needed to map

the TD503 (ship method) only when the order type is DS (drop ship), you would select

Document. If you wanted to map the REF02 of the very first REF segment as long as

a TD503 element was present in the data, you would also select Document;

however, if you wanted to map the REF02 only if the REF01 contains a specific

qualifier, then the option of Segment should be used.

c. Equals – the actual element value which defines the criteria.

For example: Segment: BEG | 01
Level: Document Equals: DS

7. When both the Storing Element Setup and Conditions Setup are complete, click Insert, then click Save.

NOTE: If editing or otherwise modifying an existing Segment Mapping, click Remove and then edit as desired (again selecting Insert prior to saving).

Segment Map to the ASN (via the 945 to ASN integration)

To segment map to the ASN:

1. In the Warehouse Integration Module, select ASN from the XREFs menu. It maps the below common fields via their EDI REF qualifiers:

  • BOL #

  • PRO #

  • Tracking Number

2. On the ASN Warehouse Cross-Reference window, use the magnifying glass or manually enter the Dynamics GPE Customer Warehouse ID of the partner for which you wish to modify or create Segment Mapping. Select the Enable ASN Updates checkbox, then click Advanced.

3. In the Advanced Options window, you can choose which values on the ASN will be updated (leverage any or all of these options as needed):

a. BOL # - using the drop-down, select either SOP Number or Transmitted.

i. As the name implies, SOP Number places the existing SOP Number in the

BOL; Transmitted places the corresponding REF02 identified using b. below

into the BOL field on the Shipment header in ASN Main.

b. Qualifier – hard-key the REF01 which precedes the desired transmitted value to be


c. Pro # - like the BOL # above, select either SOP Number or Transmitted as the

value in the drop-down to map to the corresponding ASN Main field.

d. Qualifier – again, you will manually enter the REF01 which precedes the desired

transmitted value.

e. Tracking # Qualifier – simply enter the REF01 qualifier which contains the tracking

number to be mapped to the SOP User-Defined Tracking Number field(s).

i. This is often ‘2I’ per ANSI X12 standards (the number 2 followed by an

uppercase letter ‘i’).

4. Click OK before closing the window to save.

Segment Map other Sales Transaction fields through the Warehouse Integration

To Segment Map the Inbound Warehouse Documents:

1. In the TrueCommerce Warehouse Integration window, select Warehouse from the XREFs menu

2. In the Warehouse Cross-Reference window, using the magnifying glass, enter the Profile ID of the warehouse with the documents segment details you want to map, then click the Display Options hyperlink.

3. The resulting Warehouse Display Options window allows mapping of almost any other field on inbound WHS documents to user-defined fields (UDFs) within the transaction.

a. Tracking Number Qualifier - Identical to the Tracking Number Qualifier field in the

aforementioned ASN Mapping step 3, this places the value indicated by a specific

REF qualifier on an inbound document (regardless of document type or presence of

the 945 to ASN integration) into the SOP User-Defined Tracking Number field(s).

b. Apply Freight Charges (checkbox) – Exactly like it sounds, this maps freight

charges (based upon the SAC D240) to the Sales Transaction Entry document in the

Freight field.

c. Update Shipping Method (checkbox) - Select to allow the Shipping Method from

the imported document to be used. Otherwise, the default Shipping Method in the

Shipping Method XREF for the customer or the existing Ship Method on the

transaction in Dynamics GPE is used.

NOTE: This feature does require that the ship method be set up in the Warehouse Ship Method XREF (as well as the Customer Ship Method Xrefs if the 945 to ASN integration is being used). TrueCommerce's code checks the TD503 SCAC for a match and then if no match is found, attempts to use the TD505 Routing field.

d. Allow EDI Batch ID – toggles the use of the EDI Batch ID field in the Warehouse

Batch Setup window.

e. User Defined Element Capture – Straightforward use; utilize the dropdowns to

enter the EDI Segment prefix and element number of the inbound EDI document

and set the desired location in the Field drop-down to map any specific data to a


f. Store Time/Date Stamp in Field – stores a time/date stamp of 940 export in a

specific SOP UDF.

8. Click OK.

NOTE: Any time this window is accessed, the OK button must be used to exit and close the window. If at any time the 'x' in the top right is used as an alternative, it will clear out the segment maps and include features which may interrupt or otherwise result in document errors to receiving partners.

rev 5/7/23

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