Product: CrazyTalk
After a while of running, or after migrating CrazyTalk to a new database/server you may experience some issues with your transactions not processing properly.
Performing some maintenance on your processing tables is a good idea to help reduce issues with files.
Checking Inbound/Outbound Transaction Count
The below script will simply perform a count against all your tables to see how filled they may be
Query/Count Tables
/*check buffer count*/
USE [CTGPSettings]
SELECT COUNT(*) AS CTGPSettings_DocumentOutbox FROM dbo.DocumentOutbox
SELECT COUNT(*) AS CTGPSEttings_InboundMessages FROM dbo.InboundMessages
USE [VSyncAppServer]
SElECT COUNT(*) AS vSyncAppServer_OutboundMessages FROM dbo.OutboundMessages
SELECT COUNT(*) AS vSyncAppServer_InboundMessages FROM dbo.InboundMessages
USE [VSyncMailboxes]
SELECT COUNT(*) AS vSyncMailboxes_DocumentOutbox FROM dbo.DocumentOutbox
SELECT COUNT(*) AS vSyncMailboxes_DocumentInbox FROM dbo.DocumentInbox
Query Results
Clearing CrazyTalk Buffer Tables
The below script will delete all processing data
Note: Please disable your CrazyTalk services first before executing - you'll want to prevent CrazyTalk from trying to process data while the query is deleting it
Clearing Tables
USE [CTGPSettings]
DELETE FROM dbo.DocumentOutbox
DELETE FROM dbo.InboundMessages
USE [VSyncAppServer]
DELETE FROM dbo.OutboundMessages
DELETE FROM dbo.InboundMessages
USE [VSyncMailboxes]
DELETE FROM dbo.DocumentOutbox
DELETE FROM dbo.DocumentInbox
Delete Results
NOTE: TrueCommerce does not maintain your database - while we can advise to clean out your tables, please ensure your System Admins has reviewed and approved for the commands to of been ran.
rev 9/16/22