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Transaction Manager: Asynchronous Processing

What exactly does async mean? Read on to find out!

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Written by Support
Updated over 3 months ago

Product: Transaction Manager

What is Asynchronous Processing?

Asynchronous processing, or async, means that the action you’ve taken within Transaction Manager will run “behind the scenes” while you continue to use the product for other things. For example, if you have a large batch of Purchase Orders to export to your ERP, you can choose to export asynchronously so that you don’t have to sit there and wait for it to finish. You can carry on with any other tasks you need to do! Utilizing the async option is recommended for bigger documents or for handling a large amount of documents.

The option to perform a task asynchronously will appear in the Transactions Action Bar for each “quick event”, as shown in the example below. "Quick events" include Import, Export, Turnaround, Send, and Print.

Setting Async Actions

The Async for Actions option gives you the ability to default "quick event" actions in the Action bar to use Asynchronous processing!

  1. In Transaction Manager, select Administration from the Navigation menu.

  2. Select System Configuration from either the Navigation menu or the Action bar.

  3. Select the Use Async for Actions checkbox to ensure that all actions are processed asynchronously from the "quick event" on the Action bar. Deselect the Use Async for Actions checkbox to turn off the feature to process the quick events asynchronously.

  4. Click the Save button to retain the changes.

Monitoring an Asynchronous Event

Once an event has been set to process asynchronously, you'll be notified in the Status Bar that the event has begun, and an event log will be created in the System Activity – Asynchronous Events grid. This grid can be used to track the progress of your events as they are processing, or to cancel an unnecessary event. Additionally, email notifications will be delivered to the email address of the user that initiates the event. Email notifications will be delivered upon completion of the event describing the success or failure of the event. To monitor an asynchronous event:

  1. In Transaction Manager, select System Activity from the Navigation menu.

  2. Click Asynchronous Event from either the Navigation menu or the Action bar to view the System Activity log.

  3. Double-click the log entry to open an expanded view of the entry. Click OK to close the System Activity screen.

How to Cancel an Asynchronous Event

  1. Click the Navigation Menu icon in the upper left hand corner, and in the flyout menu under Transaction Manager, select System Activity.

  2. Click Asynchronous Event to view the System Activity Log.

  3. Next to the event, check the box for Cancelled. Click Save in the Action Bar.

Related Topics

  • For step-by-step guidance in Transaction Manager, select Guided Tutorials from the Foundry ? (Help) menu and then launch the tutorial 'Setting Async Actions'.

rev: 11/19/24

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