Product: Transaction Manager
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Transaction Manager offers you the ability to print your labels either through the Standard Print or the Asynchronous Print. While using the Standard Print option will generate and display your labels for you immediately it prevents you from being able to perform other duties while those labels are generated.
By utilizing the Asynchronous (Async) Print the generation of the labels are done in the background allowing you to freely navigate and perform other operations (such as Import/Export) within Transaction Manager while the system completes the task for you behind the scenes.
Selecting your Transactions
You'll need to select the Transactions you wish to Print Labels for. You can select them one at a time or in batches.
Navigate: Transactions β Outbox
Select: Transactions
You can select multiple transactions within Transaction Manager by either holding down Ctrl on your keyboard and selecting each individually one at a time
or by selecting the first Transaction and then holding down Shift and selecting the last in a list to select everything in between
Initiating an Asynchronous Print
Performing an Asynchronous Print will run your prints in the background allowing you to continue using Transaction Manager - as such you'll be prompted to create an Async Event which can be given a custom name to be referred to later when you need to print your labels.
Select: Print β Labels β Asynchronous Labels
Naming the Event
Once you select the Asynchronous Labels button you will be prompted with a popup box asking you for a name for your event - entering this will make it easier to find them to print the labels afterwards
Enter: Async Event Name
Select: Start Event
The name provided here will be displayed within the Asynchronous Events screen where you'll print the labels after the event has completed
Selecting your Labels
You'll be prompted to select which labels you wish to print - you can use the checkbox on the left hand side of the transaction's list to select/unselect labels prior to initiating the Print
Select: Labels (all selected by default)
Set: Ship From Location (otherwise will use default)
Select: Print
Print Notification
Once you've selected Print you'll receive a notification at the bottom of the screen indicating the event has started in the background - allowing you to freely exit the screen and continue your work
Viewing Your Shipping Labels
Since your labels will be generated in the background you'll need to use the Asynchronous Events screen in order to view them for printing once they've completed. You can check the status within this screen - some large batches may take a while to process
Navigate: System Activity β Asynchronous Events
Select: Async Print Event
Select: View (alternatively you can select the Printer icon to the left)
rev 1/9/2024