Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 858
858 - Shipment Information
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Shipment Information Transaction Set (858) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to provide the sender with the capability to transmit detailed bill-of-lading, rating, and/or scheduling information pertinent to a shipment.
This transaction set can also be used to exchange Government Bills of Lading (GBLs), Commercial Bills of Lading (CBLs), Transportation Control and Movement Documents (TCMDs), and Personal Property Government Bills of Lading (PPGBLs). It may be used by the U.S. Civilian Government, U.S. Department of Defense, and any of their trading partners to exchange information about the shipment of freight, household goods, and passengers. This transaction set fulfills information requirements established by U.S. Government transportation movement rules and regulations.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | 0100 | |
ZC1 | Beginning Segment for Data Correction or Change | 0200 |
BX | General Shipment Information | 0300 |
BNX | Rail Shipment Information | 0400 |
M3 | Release | 0500 |
N9 | 0600 | |
CM | Cargo Manifest | 0650 |
Y6 | Authentication | 0700 |
Y7 | Cargo Booking Priority | 0800 |
C3 | Currency Identifier | 0900 |
ITD | 1000 | |
G62 | 1100 | |
PER | 1200 | |
NA | Cross-Reference Equipment | 1300 |
F9 | Origin Station | 1400 |
D9 | Destination Station | 1500 |
R1 | Route Information (Air) | 1600 |
R2 | Route Information | 1700 |
R3 | Route Information - Motor | 1750 |
R4 | Port or Terminal | 1800 |
MEA | 1900 | |
H3 | Special Handling Instructions | 2000 |
PS | Protective Service Instructions | 2010 |
H6 | Special Services | 2100 |
V4 | Cargo Location Reference | 2110 |
V5 | Vessel Identification | 2120 |
Segment | Name | Position |
E1 | Empty Car Disposition - Pended Destination Consignee | 2200 |
E4 | Empty Car Disposition - Pended Destination City | 2300 |
E5 | Empty Car Disposition - Pended Destination Route | 2400 |
PI | Price Authority Identification | 2450 |
M1 | Insurance | 2500 |
M2 | Sales/Delivery Terms | 2600 |
L7 | Tariff Reference | 2700 |
NTE | 2800 | |
XH | Pro Forma - B13 Information | 2900 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N7 | Equipment Details | 3300 |
EM | Equipment Characteristics | 3310 |
NA | Cross-Reference Equipment | 3350 |
M7 | Seal Numbers | 3400 |
N5 | Equipment Ordered | 3500 |
G62 | 3550 | |
REF | 3600 | |
IC | Intermodal Chassis Equipment | 3700 |
VC | Motor Vehicle Control | 3750 |
M12 | In-bond Identifying Information | 3770 |
GA | Canadian Grain Information | 3800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
E1 | Empty Car Disposition - Pended Destination Consignee | 3810 |
E4 | Empty Car Disposition - Pended Destination City | 3820 |
E5 | Empty Car Disposition - Pended Destination Route | 3830 |
PI | Price Authority Identification | 3840 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 3900 | |
N2 | 4000 | |
N3 | 4100 | |
N4 | 4200 | |
REF | 4300 | |
PER | 4400 | |
H3 | Special Handling Instructions | 4450 |
Segment | Name | Position |
S5 | Stop-off Details | 4500 |
G62 | 4600 | |
N9 | 4700 | |
H6 | Special Services | 4800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 4900 | |
N2 | 5000 | |
N3 | 5100 | |
N4 | 5200 | |
REF | 5300 | |
PER | 5400 |
Segment | Name | Position |
FA1 | Type of Financial Accounting Data | 5500 |
FA2 | Accounting Data | 5600 |
L10 | Weight Information | 5700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
HL | 0100 | |
N7 | Equipment Details | 0200 |
NA | Cross-Reference Equipment | 0300 |
M7 | Seal Numbers | 0400 |
N5 | Equipment Ordered | 0500 |
REF | 0600 | |
IC | Intermodal Chassis Equipment | 0700 |
VC | Motor Vehicle Control | 0800 |
L7 | Tariff Reference | 0900 |
SL1 | Tariff Details | 0950 |
N9 | 1000 | |
H3 | Special Handling Instructions | 1050 |
M12 | In-bond Identifying Information | 1070 |
X1 | Export License | 1100 |
X2 | Import License | 1200 |
L5 | Description, Marks and Numbers | 1300 |
PER | 1310 | |
LH2 | Hazardous Classification Information | 1320 |
LHR | Hazardous Material Identifying Reference Numbers | 1330 |
LH6 | Hazardous Certification | 1340 |
Y7 | Cargo Booking Priority | 1370 |
G62 | 1380 | |
NTE | 1400 | |
LP | Load Planning | 1420 |
AXL | Vehicle Axle Measurements | 1430 |
Segment | Name | Position |
L0 | Line Item - Quantity and Weight | 1450 |
L1 | Rate and Charges | 1500 |
MEA | 1600 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PI | Price Authority Identification | 1650 |
CD | Shipment Conditions | 1670 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LH1 | Hazardous Identification Information | 1700 |
LH2 | Hazardous Classification Information | 1800 |
LH3 | Hazardous Material Shipping Name Information | 1900 |
LFH | Free-form Hazardous Material Information | 1910 |
LEP | EPA Required Data | 1920 |
LH4 | Canadian Dangerous Requirements | 2000 |
LHT | Transborder Hazardous Requirements | 2010 |
LHR | Hazardous Material Identifying Reference Numbers | 2100 |
PER | 2150 | |
LHE | Empty Equipment Hazardous Material Information | 2200 |
Segment | Name | Position |
FA1 | Type of Financial Accounting Data | 2300 |
FA2 | Accounting Data | 2400 |
L10 | Weight Information | 2500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 2600 |
N3 | 2700 | |
N4 | 2800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 2900 | |
N2 | 3000 | |
N3 | 3100 | |
N4 | 3200 | |
PER | 3300 | |
BL | Billing Information | 3400 |
Segment | Name | Position |
L3 | Total Weight and Charges | 0100 |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 0200 |
Notes |
1/0300 | BX05 contains the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) of the original roadhaul carrier receiving the shipment. |
2/1800 | If the hazardous endorsement (LH204) is "NONE", then use of LH204 is mandatory. However, the receiver must consider it to be blanks when printing a paper document. |
2/2100 | All receivers of the EDI transactions covering empty tank cars which last contained hazardous commodities must be able to add the constant words: RESIDUE: LAST CONTAINED ahead of the contents of LHE01 and add the constant: RESIDUE following the contents of the LHE02 when printing paper documents. |
2/2200 | When used in the hazardous material loop, the segment will identify the various certification, exemption or shipper-related numbers that relate to the specific line item of the shipment that are in addition to the UN/UA number reference in the LH1 segment. |
rev 11/12/2024