Product: Dynamics NAV
Fluent FTP Requirement
If you're using the TrueCommerce Extension from and above you'll need to install the FluentFTP.dll onto your server prior to turning on FTP as the system leverages it to perform FTP calls
Navigate: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\110\Service\Add-ins\
Create: A folder named FluentFTP
Place: inside the FluentFTP folder
Search (NAV): Control Add-ins
Select: New
Add-In Name: FluentFTP
Public Key Token: (Auto-Generated)
Category: Javascript Control Add-In
Description: FluentFTP for TrueCommerce FTP Solution
Select: Import
Note: Some versions of NAV require you to select the DLL instead of the ZIP at this stage - you can simply extract the .zip file in this folder by Right Clicking → Extract
(Select to Enlarge)
Configuring the FTP Connection
Navigate: Departments → TrueCommerce → EDI (select) → Administration → EDI Setup
Configuring the Host
Use FTP : Check to enable FTP
Host: FTP URL to connect to.
* The TrueCommerce hosted FTP is
Port: 21 for FTP - 22 for sFTP
Root Directory: Where the system will navigate to by default
* Your TrueCommerce FTP will be your EDI # (prefixed with a 1 usually) and then / IntegrationFTP
Username: Provided by TrueCommerce
Password: Provided by TrueCommerce
Configuring Inbound/Outbound Paths
Since all TrueCommerce FTP configurations are the same - once you configure the Root Directory properly the below paths will automatically navigate from that point into the respective subfolders.
Simply copy the paths below and replace the CompanyName portion with your Company Name as it appears and past them into the appropriate fields since the only thing that changes is the Root Directory and FTP credentials between your different Transaction Manager profiles (if you have multiple companies/test profiles)
Note: The Export folder is used for Inbound since the FTP is linked to Transaction Manager and thus - an Export operation is used to push Inbound data and Import folder is used for Outbound since an Import operation is used to pull data in from a Transaction Manager perspective
Import (Inbound)
Inbound Packed File Path | Export/CompanyName/Transaction/Packed |
Inbound Packed Error Path | Export/CompanyName/Transaction/Packed/Error |
Inbound File Path | Export/CompanyName/Transaction |
Inbound Processed File Path | Export/CompanyName/Transaction/Processed |
Inbound Error File Path | Export/CompanyName/Transaction/Error |
Inbound Deleted File Path | Export/CompanyName/Transaction/Deleted |
Export (Outbound)
Configuring the Outbound (Export) paths follows the same pathing logic
Note: All paths will be prefixed with Import since the FTP itself is from a Transaction Manager perspective
Outbound File Path (Packing) | Import/CompanyName/Transaction |
Outbound File Path (Processed) | Import/CompanyName/Transaction/Processed |
Outbound File Path | Import/CompanyName/Transaction |
Sample FTP Structure (Export/Inbound)
Testing the FTP Connection
You can perform a quick test to make sure your credentials and NAV client is able to connect to the system within the configuration window
Navigate: Actions → Test FTP URL
rev 10/5/22