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Common Export/Import Errors
Transaction Manager: [ERROR] Close bracket without corresponding open bracket: "xxxxx"
Transaction Manager: [ERROR] Close bracket without corresponding open bracket: "xxxxx"
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a week ago

Product: Transaction Manager & Mapping Manager

Error: Close bracket without corresponding open bracket: "xxxxx"

Issue: When attempting to import/export a transaction within Transaction Manager you receive the error 'Close bracket without corresponding open bracket: "xxxx"'.

Reason: A recent update through Mapping Manager had a token improperly opened/closed.

Example: T:SHIPPING_SCAC is missing the opening (left) bracket '['

Solution - Mapping Manager

If you have access to Mapping Manager within your account, check to see recent modifications to your system and ensure that the token in question is properly opened and closed.

NOTE: All brackets must have a corresponding open/close associate to it wrapping any tokens.

If you do not have access to Mapping Manager, contact TrueCommerce Support by submitting a case under Account Management via the Foundry primary navigation menu.

Additional Resources

rev. 7/30/23

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