Product: Sage 100
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Before moving onto the steps below, make sure to download and install the latest version of the Integration Service.
Running the setup.exe
Provided with the Integration Service is a Sage 100 Setup.exe installation. This will help you configure the computer's OBDC drivers to point the framework to the right database and workstation to be used with the Integration Service.
If the Sage 100 folder is not available in the Integration Service, it can be downloaded from:
After downloading these files, right click on both files --> select Properties --> click the Unblock button.
Place the files into the Main Integration Service folder after downloading: C:\Program Files (x86)\True Commerce\TmoIntegrationService.
Whenever running the setup.exe, the system will prompt you for 3 location paths. The following paths that should be known prior to starting:
TmoIntegrationService location (Integration Service)
Sage Workstation location (local-install of Sage 100)
Sage Server location (Server/Database)
Right Click setup.exe → Run As Administrator
If previously installed - Select 'Remove' and uninstall the old version. Rerun setup.exe As Administrator to continue.
Select Client if this is a Workstation or a separate computer from where the Sage database is located.
Select Server if this is the main computer where the Sage database is located.
Set the Transaction Manager installation path to the root directory where TmoIntegrationService
Default : C:\Program Files(x86)\True Commerce\TmoIntegrationService
Setting the Sage 100 location - this is the local workstation where Sage is installed locally on the client's computer.
Both the Server and the Client will have a local workstation directory - simply use the location of where Sage 100 is installed for this computer.
You can often find this in C:\Program Files(x86)\Sage\Mas 90\xxxxx\MAS 90
Set the Sage 100 Server location where the database is held.
This path will match the Transaction Manager database location under the Integration Options.
This is often a UNC directory.
Navigate to Services
Restart Transaction Manager Integration Service
Go to Add and Remove programs, find transaction manager for Sage ODBC, uninstall. (Only needed for a Reinstall)
The Open Database Connectivity (OBDC) is a windows installed driver that allows Sage and Transaction Manager to communicate with each other to query databases and pull/send information between the two systems. Running the setup.exe is designed to adjust the OBDC driver found in Windows. However, often due to permission levels the setup installer can fail to update all the proper fields. If that's the case, you will need to modify the OBDC settings manually (you will need Administrator rights to do this).
Configuring the OBDC Manually
Navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64
Locate odbcad32.exe
Right Click → Run As Administrator
Select User DSN → SOTAMAS90
Select Configure
Under the Basic tab set the Database Directory to the Sage server location (same as Transaction Manager)
Select System DSN → TcSOTAMAS90
Select Configure
Under the Basic tab set the Database Directory to the Sage server location (same as Transaction Manager)
Restart the Integration Service
rev: 7/28/22