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Foundry: Copy a User Record (Admin)
Foundry: Copy a User Record (Admin)

Admins! Look here to see the fastest way to add a new user.

Katie Pilcher avatar
Written by Katie Pilcher
Updated over a week ago

Product: Foundry Platform

The easiest way to create a new user record is to copy an existing record. Consider using this method to create users when the new user will have the same access and permissions as an existing user.

To rename a user. You cannot change usernames by editing the user record. However, administrators can copy the original record (following these steps) and then save the copy under the new username. Delete the old user record when completed.

The Steps

Note: You need to have administrator privileges to perform these steps.

Navigate to your name > Settings > Security > Users and Roles

Click Users

After you have verified that the access and permissions for the existing user are exactly what you want to assign to the new user, select the existing user record by clicking on it (you will see a green outline when it's selected) and click Copy.

Complete these required fields with information about the new user:

  • User Name - Always use a unique email address

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone Number (required for Multi-Factor Authentication)

  • New Password and confirmation of the password.

  • Click the checkbox to force a password change.

For more information about Foundry's password policies click here.

When you're finished, click the Finish button or the checkmark at the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to avoid inadvertently allowing more access and permissions than you intend, make sure to verify the existing user's roles and permissions prior to copying them to create a new user.

Once saved, the new user will show in the users list.

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rev: 6/29/23

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