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Nexternal: Activate the Favorites List Feature

Offer your customers the ability to save items to a wish list (or favorites list) while they shop so they can easily purchase later.

Pamela Topper avatar
Written by Pamela Topper
Updated over a week ago

Product: Nexternal

Providing the ability to create a wishlist or favorites list allows shoppers to browse now and buy later with ease. When the Favorite Products feature is activated, customers browsing the store can add products to their personal saved list by clicking on an icon on the product image (product list view) or clicking an "Add to Favorites" button (product detail view), and return to that list later on.

To activate the feature, select the "Use Favorite Products" box (Layout / Products / Product List / Use Favorite Products). Select the icon you wish you use as your Favorite Products icon. Each icon has an active and inactive state, so the shopper may easily discern which items are currently in their Favorite Products List from items that are not. When active, this functionality will apply to every product in the store.

If you are using the Persistent Category Template (Layout / General Layout / Template) - meaning, you have automatically system-generated left-hand navigation in your store, or the Current Category dropdown (Layout / Main Layout), you may choose for the link to the customers' Favorite Products Lists to appear at either the top or bottom of the category list. If None is selected, the Favorite Products List link will not appear in the category list. This choice is best if you are otherwise linking to the Favorites list, as described below in this article.

You may customize the label used to identify your Favorite Products throughout the online store in Layout / Edit General Layout / Labels / Favorite Products. If you are choosing to display the Favorite Products List link among your categories, the label would be used here as well. For example, you might leave it as Favorites, or you might change it to "My Favorites" or "My Wishlist" or "My Shopping List", or any one of a number of variants depending upon what might make sense to your customer base.

If you wish to place a direct link to the Favorite Products List in other navigation on your site or store, for example in your header, footer, or top navigation, the link URL is (where the custom-favorites-list-name is replaced with the name specified, and "company" is replaced by your Nexternal account name). If you are using a Domain Alias (Settings/Site Options), you may replace with the Domain Alias (e.g.,

If this feature is active, and the shopper is not recognized, unselected Favorite Product icons will continue to display. If the customer passes over or hovers over the Favorite Products icon without clicking on it, the unrecognized customer will be prompted to log in to use the feature. If they click the icon, the customer will be taken to a login page and returned to their shopping experience after completing the login.


1. Any product that the logged-in customer has added to their Favorite Products List, but does not currently have permissions to view (e.g., due to product visibility settings, discontinued status, etc.) will not display in the list.

2. For clients using Persistent Product or Standard Layout Templates, the direct link is the only mechanism to display to customers their list of Favorite Products.

3. We recommend the following setting for best image display results: Layout / Edit Main Layout / Product Section Options / Products / Product List / List Style:

If "vertical alignment" is set to something other than "Top", we suggest toggling it to "Top" in a staging layout prior to doing so in your live store, to check for any unintended layout consequences.

4. Regardless of your setting in #3 above, it is possible that your custom store code may conflict with this feature and your layout code may require modification by one of our design engineers to achieve proper display. In this case, fees will apply.

rev: 3/16/22

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