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Nexternal: Activate the QuickShop Feature
Pamela Topper avatar
Written by Pamela Topper
Updated over 4 years ago

Product: Nexternal

The QuickShop feature allows browsing shoppers to obtain more detailed information about a product, select a variation and add the product to cart, without being required to navigate to a product detail page and away from their browsing.

When a shopper hovers over a product image on a product list view (such as a category page), a "QuickShop" banner will display across the lower portion of the product image.

Clicking on the banner loads a new window on the page, where important information about the product is displayed, such as variants and additional images (if applicable), as well as the Add to Cart button.

Activate the QuickShop feature in Layout / Main Layout / Product List / Use Quick Shop.

Nexternal strongly recommends activating and testing this feature in a Staging Layout prior to taking it live.


  1. If display adjustments are requested from the Nexternal design team, fees will apply.

  2. The QuickShop feature does not appear on mobile devices.

rev: 11/30/2020

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