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Nexternal: Activate Express Order

Allow customers to quickly add multiple products to the shopping cart with a single click.

Pamela Topper avatar
Written by Pamela Topper
Updated over a week ago

Product: Nexternal

Express Order can be activated on Product List pages (on which all products in a category are listed), and on Product Detail pages (where there may be multiple versions of a product by SKU: for example, multiple size and color combinations.) They are activated separately so that you can turn on both or only one, if that's all your product catalog requires. If you choose to use Express Order, you may choose to display the feature in the BtoC Store, the BtoB Store, or both.

Express Order (Product List)

The Express Order (Product List) feature allows customers to quickly add multiple products to the Shopping Cart from a Product List screen with a single click. This feature is controlled in Layout / Edit Main Layout / Product Section Options/ Products / Product List / Express Order.

When activated, an Express Order button will show up in the upper left corner of each Product List page in your online store.

When the button is clicked, a modal popup window will appear with a list of all the products on that page. A shopper can indicate the quantity of each that they want to purchase, and then click add to cart only once to add all the products to the cart simultaneously.

When setting up the feature, after checking the activation box, you must also enter:

a) the maximum number of available SKUs that a product may have to be eligible (for example, if each widget comes in 3 colors, that's manageable in Express Order, but if each widget has 30 colors, that may not be as manageable);

b) the minimum number of eligible products that must be available on the Product List screen for the feature to apply (for example, if there are only 2 products on the Product List page, Express Order may not make sense, but if there are 50 items on the page, it makes a lot of sense); and

c) whether or not to automatically close the popup window after a shopper clicks Add to Cart.

Tip: The Express Order popup on each Product List page displays only the products listed on that page. Therefore, when using Express Order on the Product List page, we recommend that you minimize the number of pages required to display all the products in a category to reduce page scrolling and thereby reduce the number of times the shopper must click Express Order. To increase the number of items displayed on each Product List page, navigate to Layout / Edit Main Layout / Product Section Options/ Products / Product List / Page Size (Maximum 50).

Express Order (Product Detail)
The Express Order (Product Detail) feature allows customers to quickly add multiple SKUs of the same product to the Shopping Cart with a single click. The feature renders as a user-friendly matrix on the Product Detail screen in the online store, typically in a tab below the product image, but placement can be modified by our design engineers (fees may apply).
This feature is controlled in Layout / Edit Main Layout / Product Section Options / Products / Product Detail / Express Order.
After checking the box to activate the feature, you must also enter:

a) the maximum number of attributes to display across a row (see image below for an example - each row displays 2 attributes);

b) the minimum and maximum number of SKUs that a product must have for the feature to apply and show up; and

c) the maximum number of SKUs displayed per page (limit 200).

Tip: Please read the ? tooltips near each Express Order field for full details and products to which Express Order does not apply.
rev: 10/20/20

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