Product: QuickBooks Online
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Setting: Create PO As
You can use the Create PO As option to configure which type of document Transaction Manager will create within QuickBooks Online whenever Exporting out an inbound Purchase Order (850) from your Trading Partner.
By Default - Transaction Manager will generate an Invoice if no option is set
Configuring your Document Type
If you want to enable the setting globally for all Trading Partners you can configure your Create PO As option under the Integration Options.
Navigate: Business System → (Company Name) → Company Configuration → Integration Options
Locate: Create PO As
The Invoice option is the default option for Transaction Manager (no selection) - this option is used for your standard Trading Partner connections.
The Estimate option is utilized when dealing with Warehouses or Third-Party Logistic companies. The Estimate is used to generate Warehouse Shipping Orders (940) to be sent to your Warehouse/3PL.
Sales Receipt
The Sales Receipt option is an alternative creation method, and can be used similar to the Invoice creation method but rather than creating an Invoice to be paid later it will generate a Sales Receipt which is paid upfront within QuickBooks Online.
Configuring Per-Partner
If you would like to configure these settings to only apply to a specific Trading Partner rather than globally you can do so under the Integrations preferences of your Trading Partner configuration.
Navigate: Trading Partners → (Partner) → Preferences → Integrations
Set: Integration Type to Purchase Order (Export)
Check: Use Partner Level Settings
Set: Create PO As
When enabling 'Use Partner Level Settings' ALL settings will override the Global Business System settings - be sure to mimic any settings from the global settings that you wish to carry over
Additional Resources
rev 6/3/2024