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Nexternal: California Prop 65
Nexternal: California Prop 65
Pamela Topper avatar
Written by Pamela Topper
Updated over a week ago

Product: Nexternal

You may be wondering where you can put the California Proposition 65 warning language in your online store, how you can deliver this language by email as part of the "electronically delivered receipt or confirmation for the applicable purchase", and how you can get this warning language into the package? Here are some ideas for you:

There are multiple places to put warnings in the store. Most commonly used spots among our clients to whom Prop 65 applies include:

1. the legal disclaimer field in Settings / Policies Addenda & Disclaimers / Legal Disclaimer. If you already have an age disclaimer in there, you can add this above or below it. This field shows up in both desktop and mobile.

2. the cart footer (either put the language there or put a link there to an articles page which houses the language). The Cart Footer can be modified in Layout / Cart Layout / Footer. Articles pages can be created in Articles / New. Please note that the cart footer shows up only in desktop and not in mobile.

3. if you do not use the cart addendum for any other purpose, you may also use the cart addendum field. (Settings / Policies, Addenda & Disclaimers / Cart Addendum. If you don't set any minimums, this will show up in the cart once a product is placed in the cart, in both desktop and mobile.

You may also add the warning language to a 'Custom Section Contents' field for each product and put 'Prop 65' in the Custom section label field.

To provide the Prop 65 warning as a part of the "electronically delivered receipt or confirmation for the applicable purchase", you may include the language in the order confirmation email, and also in the shipped email if you'd like. For those using Enhanced Email templates, simply update the template(s) in Layout / Enhanced Email Layout / Edit Templates. If you are not using Enhanced Email, we strongly suggest, for this and a variety of other reasons, that you begin. You can find more information about how to turn on the Enhanced Email feature here.

If you wish to put the warning in the box being delivered, you can include it on the packing slip in a type size no smaller than the largest type size used for other consumer information on the product, but in no case in a type size smaller than 8-point. To add the language to your packing slip, you may use the Invoice/Packing Slip Addendum at Settings / Policies Addenda & Disclaimers/ Invoice/Packing Slip Addendum.

With the 'addendum message' option in Settings / Site Options / Invoices and Packing Slips, it can display on all Invoices as well as the Packing Slips, if you wish.

PLEASE NOTE: This information does not constitute legal advice. We suggest you check with your legal counsel to determine the sufficiency of any of these solutions you select.

rev. 3/30/21

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