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Transaction Manager: How to Activate a Transaction

This article explains how to activate (and deactivate) transactions.

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Written by Support
Updated over a year ago

Product: Transaction Manager

You may find that some of your trading partners have just a few transactions available for use, while others have a list longer than Santa's naughty and nice list. Whatever the case may be, you have the option to activate the transactions you need, and deactivate the transactions you don't need. Keep in mind that these actions can be reversed, so no need to worry!

Activate a Transaction

Navigate to the Trading Partners workspace in Transaction Manager, and then select the corresponding trading partner record.

Select Preferences > Transactions via the action bar. In the Active column, select the checkbox for the transaction you need and then click Save to save your changes.

Deactivate the Transaction

This process is basically the same as above, except you're deselecting the checkbox or boxes of the transactions you don't need. Doing this will shorten the list of transactions you see when performing a turnaround or when importing.

Related Topics

  • For step-by-step guidance in Transaction Manager, select Guided Tutorials from the Foundry ? (Help) menu and then launch the tutorial 'Manage Active/Inactive Transactions'.

rev: 11/28/23

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