Product: Transaction Manager
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Why would you need to create a consolidated transaction?
If a trading partner is requiring a consolidated ASN or Invoice, this simply means that they want one transaction sent that combines the information received in two or more Purchase Orders.
Here's how it's done:
Navigate to the Trading Partners workspace in Transaction Manager.
Select the trading partner that is requiring the consolidated transaction.
Select Labels > UCC-128 via the action bar.
Select the checkbox to enable Consolidate Transactions. Click Save to save your changes.
Next, highlight all of the Purchase Orders that need to be consolidated.
Click Turnaround.
Select the transaction you need to create (i.e., ASN or Invoice), and click OK.
Go to your Outbox. You'll see that the Purchase Orders have been consolidated into one transaction. Proceed with filling in the mandatory fields per usual!
Related Topics
For step-by-step guidance in Transaction Manager, select Guided Tutorials from the Foundry ? (Help) menu and then launch tutorials:
β"Create a Consolidated ASN""Create a Consolidated Invoice"
To see a demonstration, check out the Consolidated Transactions video in the ASN Training Series of TrueCommerce University
rev: 11/28/23