Transaction Manager: Manually Pack your ASN

Need to manually create cartons or pallets for your ASN? This article will explain how.

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Updated over a week ago

Product: Transaction Manager

Are you shipping multiple cartons where one or more of the cartons contains a mixture of items? Are you shipping multiple pallets that contain a mixture of items? Do you create your ASNs by Turnaround? Because you're not sending strictly pure cartons, you'll need to manually pack your ASNs. This can be done by using the Copy & Paste Special feature.

Creating Multiple Cartons (i.e., Container, Pack):

To create multiple cartons:

  1. Set the Pick & Pack Auto-Packing setting to Mixed Carton. This is found under Labels > UCC-128 in the partner record. This setting will ensure that all items are automatically packed into the same container.

  2. Do a Turnaround to create the ASN. When you open the ASN, you should only see one carton under the Shipment Detail tab.

  3. Edit the shipment and item information as needed for the one carton level.

  4. Create the additional number of packs you need that mirror that one you've created. Staying on the pack (or container) level, click Copy > Copy Selected Pack via the action bar.

  5. Click on the Order level and then select Copy > Paste Special via the action bar. Enter the number of copies, select the Generate UCC 128 checkbox, and click OK. The additional pack levels will be added to the ASN.

Creating Multiple Pallets (Tares)

To create multiple pallets:

  1. Do a Turnaround to create the ASN. When you open the ASN, you should only see one pallet under the Shipment Details tab.

  2. Edit the shipment information as needed for the one pallet level.

  3. Create the additional number of pallets you need that mirror that one you've created. Staying on the Tare level, select Copy > Copy Selected Tare via the action bar.

  4. Click on the Order level and then select Copy > Paste Special via the action bar. Enter the number of copies, select the Generate UCC 128 checkbox, and then click OK. The additional pallet levels will be added to the ASN.

Note: You also have the option manually add extra cartons or pallets by clicking Add in the Action Bar, and then editing the information from there.

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rev: 11/14/23

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