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Transaction Manager: Red X on a Transaction

Seeing a red X? No problem! This article explains the potential reasons and what you can do about them.

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Written by Support
Updated over a month ago

Product: Transaction Manager

Red Xs in your Outbox

Are you trying to create a transaction to send to your Trading Partner and you are seeing a red X symbol?

No need to worry! It is a common misconception that the red Xs are errors. This simply means that there are mandatory fields in the transaction that still need to be filled out before the transaction can be sent.

The red Xs can be corrected (and avoided) by doing the following:

  • Open the transaction and manually fill in the red fields. If you are not seeing any red fields, make sure you are scrolling all the way around the page you are on, as well as expanding any collapsed fields. Additionally, keep in mind that sometimes filling in one field automatically makes another field mandatory (i.e., as with some fields under the Terms tab of an Invoice).

  • Template any static information (always going to be the same) for that transaction type.

  • Work with your Implementation Specialist to have certain information pulled from your business system if the transaction is being created by Import.

Red Xs in your Sent Folder

This red X likely indicates that while the transaction was sent successfully, it was rejected by your Trading Partner. So, what can you do?

  • Find the 997 in your Deleted Folder that matches the time stamp in the Date Ack column of your Sent folder for the rejected transaction. Select the 997. In the Action bar, click View and then Raw EDI. Sometimes the 997 will give details as to why the transaction was rejected.

  • Check the information in the sent transaction to see if there are any special characters, such as a period, quotation marks, or even an extra space. These things can cause errors in the data. For steps on how to fix a sent transaction, check out this article!

  • Contact your Trading Partner for details surrounding the rejection. If possible, ask them for the segment and element of the error and what they do or don't want to see in that element. Check out this article for more information on transaction rejections.

Related Topics

  • For step-by-step guidance in Transaction Manager, select Guided Tutorials from the Foundry ? (Help) menu and then launch the tutorial 'How to Template'.

rev. 2/6/25

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