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Transaction Manager: AS2 Certificate Renewals
Transaction Manager: AS2 Certificate Renewals
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated today

Product: Transaction Manager

Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) is a communication protocol used for securely transmitting EDI messages over the internet. It is one of the most popular methods for exchanging EDI data between businesses due to its reliability, security features, and ability to support real-time document exchange.

Through this process each end of the communication exchange AS2 Certificates that provide a verified handshake between networks to ensure that data can be passed back and forth to a verified destination. These certificates have built in expirations built into them that ensure that a connection does not remain open indefinitely.

Transaction Manager - AS2 Certificate

Transaction Manager and the TrueCommerce Network (Tc.Net) manages your AS2 Certificates on your behalf as apart of the solution. These are configured and managed by our Trading Partner Services team who actively works towards ensuring that your

Certificate Expiring Notification

You may receive notification from your Trading Partner that your Certificate is Expiring - however for a majority of your Trading Partners no action will be required on your behalf. Our team actively works on ensuring all certificates are renewed ahead of time.

There are two notable exceptions however, Amazon and Walmart require additional steps to be completed that you will need to submit a support ticket for.

Exception: Walmart AS2 Certificates require additional steps within RetailLink.

Exception: Amazon AS2 Certificates may require additional steps within Vendor Central

Trading Partner Services

If you are unsure or your Trading Partner is requesting a contact from TrueCommerce to ensure their certificate gets updated - you will want to contact your Trading Partner and provide them with our Trading Partner Services email and encourage them to reach out to ensure they work directly with our network team.

Trading Partner Services

For a majority of Trading Partners - no action should be required. But if you would like to have the TrueCommerce team confirm that an AS2 Certificate update is scheduled, or are working with Amazon/Walmart - simply submit a Support Case!

rev 2/27/2025

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