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X12 - Raw EDI
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Product: X12 EDI

The data exchanged between you and your Trading Partner is transferred in a light weight format referred to as Electronic Data Interchange (ED) data, or EDI Data that is processed across the TrueCommerce Network (Tc.Net) during the exchange.

As EDI Data is processed between the TrueCommerce Network and Transaction Manager that information is transformed between the X12 EDI standardized format formatted to comply with your Trading Partner's network configuration and a standardized format leveraged by Transaction Manager allowing data to be tokenized into a user-friendly display.


X12 EDI Data that passes through the TrueCommerce Network (Tc.Net) is passed in a light-weight, standardized format known as the X12 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) that can be easily passed between TrueCommerce and your Trading Partner.

This data format is often referred to as the Raw EDI from a Transaction Manager perspective since this is the data that ultimately is either sent or received by your Trading Partner.


ISA*00*          *00*          *ZZ*SENDERID       *ZZ*RECEIVERID     *230101*1200*U*00401*000000123*0*P*>~

Pre-Transformed & Transformed

There are two sets of Raw EDI - the Pre-Transformed data and the Transformed data which is relevant to the direction that it is being sent across the TrueCommerce Network (Tc.Net).


Pre-Transformed data refers to any Raw EDI data that has not gone through any processing yet and as such is in its original form.


Transformed data on the other hand has had some amount of processing that has resulted in alteration of the Pre-Transformed data - typically this is often simply a reformatting of the original data so that it may be processed by other software.

What Gets Transformed

Data can sometimes be presented in a different way - and as such may need reformatting to properly be processed by the receiving party.

This could be as simple as modifying the element delimiters, ending segment keys, or ensuring specific ISA Mailbox Envelope information is generated.

Pre-Transformed - Pipe Delimited ( | )

ISA|00| |00| |ZZ|SENDERID |ZZ|RECEIVERID |240131|1234|U|00401|000000001|0|P|>~ GS|PO|SENDERID|RECEIVERID|20240131|1234|1|X|004010~ ST|850|1001~ BEG|00|SA|1234567890||20240131~ N1|ST|John Doe Company|92|987654321~ PO1|1|10|EA|25.00|USD|BP|123456~ CTT|1~ SE|6|1001~ GE|1|1~ IEA|1|000000001~

Transformed - Asterisk Delimited ( * )

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SENDERID *ZZ*RECEIVERID *240131*1234*U*00401*000000001*0*P*>~ GS*PO*SENDERID*RECEIVERID*20240131*1234*1*X*004010~ ST*850*1001~ BEG*00*SA*1234567890**20240131~ N1*ST*John Doe Company*92*987654321~ PO1*1*10*EA*25.00*USD*BP*123456~ CTT*1~ SE*6*1001~ GE*1*1~ IEA*1*000000001~

Network Data

Data crossing the TrueCommerce Network (Tc.Net) is often transformed in order to ensure the compatibility across TrueCommerce and your Trading Partners. In order to do this data must often be formatted (transformed) in a way that the receiving software is expecting.

Within Account Management you can view the data sent across the TrueCommerce Network as well as view a Transaction's pre and post transformed states allowing you to see what data was utilized by Transaction Manager and what data was handled by your Trading Partner.

Navigate: Account Management β†’ Transactions β†’ Search

Network Data Transaction List

In & Out data within the Transactions screen is relative to the Transformation processed over the TrueCommerce Network

In Data

The In Data represents the Pre-Transformed data that is in its original format. For Inbound Transactions this would be the original data sent from your Trading Partner before it was formatted to fit Transaction manager.

For Outbound Transactions this would represent the generated data from Transaction Manager before it's been formatted to be received by your Trading Partner and may have internal-use only information that your Partner will not see.

Out Data

The Out Data is the Transformed Data that has been formatted to fit its specific needs. For Outbound Transactions this is the data that your Trading Partner will ultimately see after a Transaction has been sent.

For Inbound Transactions this is the original data sent by your Trading Partner and should be used when determining the exact data that your Trading Partner has sent you.

Data Transformation


Transformation State

In Data


Out Data


Transaction Manager Forms

As data is fed between the TrueCommerce Network and Transaction Manager the data is Transformed into a format that's appropriate based on whether it's sending or receiving.

Transaction Manager Form

The purpose of Transaction Manager is to provide an interactive interface that allows people to easily read Raw EDI data and manage Transactions without needing in-depth knowledge of the X12 EDI Format.

However data is Transformed into Raw EDI to be sent across the TrueCommerce Network so that machines can easily read it

While these Transaction Manager forms represent the EDI Data that's either been Sent or Received it is recommended to evaluate the Raw EDI under the Transactions section of the Account Management portal to determine what data was actually sent or received by your Trading Partner since that is the actual data that crossed the network.

Additional Resources

rev 1/30/2025

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