Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 838
838 - Trading Partner Profile
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Trading Partner Profile Transaction Set (838) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set can be used to request, change, verify or transmit business profile information to or from a trading partner. This information can be used by the receiver to facilitate the processing of the sender's business transactions.
The transaction set may be used to convey government survey information, business classification, general survey information, summary supplier ratings, changes in the EDI environment information, tax information, entity relationships, and general business profile information to update automated information data bases between trading partners.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | Transaction Set Header | 0100 |
BTP | Beginning Segment For Trading Partner Profile | 0200 |
REQ | Request Information | 0210 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 0250 |
SPI | Specification Identifier | 0270 |
DTM | Date/Time Reference | 0280 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 0290 |
PLA | Place or Location | 0300 |
LCD | Place/Location Description | 0400 |
LIN | Item Identification | 0500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | Party Identification | 0600 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 0700 |
N3 | Party Location | 0800 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 0900 |
N9 | Extended Reference Information | 1000 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 1100 |
CUR | Currency | 1200 |
TAX | Tax Reference | 1300 |
FOB | F.O.B. Related Instructions | 1400 |
ITD | Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale | 1500 |
TD5 | Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time) | 1600 |
SPI | Specification Identifier | 1650 |
FBB | Foreign and Industry Business | 1700 |
DTM | Date/Time Reference | 1710 |
MEA | Measurements | 1720 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LCD | Place/Location Description | 1730 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 1740 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 1750 |
DMG | Demographic Information | 1770 |
MEA | Measurements | 1780 |
Segment | Name | Position |
TPD | Trading Partner Detail | 1800 |
N9 | Extended Reference Information | 1900 |
PID | Product/Item Description | 2000 |
DTM | Date/Time Reference | 2100 |
LS | Loop Header | 2150 |
Segment | Name | Position |
TUD | Trade Union Data | 2200 |
DTM | Date/Time Reference | 2300 |
N1 | Party Identification | 2400 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 2500 |
N3 | Party Location | 2600 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 2700 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 2800 |
LE | Loop Trailer | 2850 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SPR | Supplier Rating | 2900 |
N9 | Extended Reference Information | 3000 |
DTM | Date/Time Reference | 3100 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PAM | Period Amount | 3200 |
DTM | Date/Time Reference | 3300 |
TAX | Tax Reference | 3400 |
CUR | Currency | 3500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
TXN | Transaction Capabilities | 3600 |
N9 | Extended Reference Information | 3700 |
DTM | Date/Time Reference | 3800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LM | Code Source Information | 3810 |
LQ | Industry Code Identification | 3820 |
Segment | Name | Position |
ENE | Electronic Systems Environment | 3900 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | Party Identification | 4000 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 4100 |
N3 | Party Location | 4200 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 4300 |
TPD | Trading Partner Detail | 4400 |
PID | Product/Item Description | 4500 |
N9 | Extended Reference Information | 4600 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 4700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
TXN | Transaction Capabilities | 4800 |
N9 | Extended Reference Information | 4900 |
DTM | Date/Time Reference | 5000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
ERI | Entity Relationship | 5100 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 5200 |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 5300 |
Notes |
1/0300 | For each occurrence of the PLA segment within the LX loop, the sum of FBB03 for separately identified countries cannot exceed 100. |
rev 12/10/2024