Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 267
Article Link:
267 - Individual Life, Annuity and Disability Application
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Individual Life, Annuity and Disability Application Transaction Set (267) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set is used to transmit new business application information among distributors (agents, broker/dealers, etc.), insurance companies and reinsurance companies for the purpose of underwriting an individual life, annuity or disability contract.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | 0100 | |
BGN | Beginning Segment | 0200 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 0300 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 0400 |
N3 | 0500 | |
N4 | 0600 | |
REF | 0700 | |
PER | 0800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 0010 | |
N2 | 0015 | |
N3 | 0020 | |
N4 | 0025 | |
N9 | 0030 | |
DTM | 0040 |
Segment | Name | Position |
ACT | Account Identification | 0050 |
ASI | Action or Status Indicator | 0100 |
PER | 0150 | |
C3 | Currency Identifier | 0200 |
LUI | Language Use | 0250 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 0300 |
BLI | Basic Baseline Item Data | 0350 |
LIN | 0400 | |
PDL | Payment Details | 0450 |
AM1 | Informational Values | 0500 |
AMT | 0550 | |
QTY | 0575 | |
YNQ | Yes/No Question | 0600 |
REF | 0650 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LQ | Industry Code Identification | 0660 |
N4 | 0670 | |
LUI | Language Use | 0680 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SI | Service Characteristic Identification | 0700 |
AMT | 0750 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 0800 |
REF | 0850 | |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 0900 |
N4 | 0950 | |
MSG | Message Text | 1000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PID | 1050 | |
BLI | Basic Baseline Item Data | 1100 |
SPA | Status of Product or Activity | 1150 |
UD | Underwriting Status | 1200 |
AMT | 1250 | |
AM1 | Informational Values | 1300 |
PDL | Payment Details | 1350 |
QTY | 1400 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 1450 |
MSG | Message Text | 1500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
INV | Investment Vehicle Selection | 1550 |
AM1 | Informational Values | 1600 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 1650 |
QTY | 1700 | |
LIN | 1750 | |
RPA | Rate Amounts or Percents | 1800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
BEN | Beneficiary or Owner Information | 1850 |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 1900 |
N2 | 1950 | |
N3 | 2000 | |
N4 | 2050 | |
REF | 2100 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 2150 |
III | Information | 2200 |
QTY | 2250 | |
AMT | 2270 | |
LUI | Language Use | 2300 |
MSG | Message Text | 2350 |
Segment | Name | Position |
ENT | Entity | 2400 |
NX1 | Property or Entity Identification | 2410 |
REF | 2450 | |
LIN | 2500 | |
DMG | Demographic Information | 2550 |
DMA | Additional Demographic Information | 2600 |
IND | Additional Individual Demographic Information | 2620 |
LUI | Language Use | 2650 |
ERI | Entity Relationship | 2670 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 2700 |
AMT | 2720 | |
AM1 | Informational Values | 2750 |
RPA | Rate Amounts or Percents | 2770 |
YNQ | Yes/No Question | 2800 |
QTY | 2850 | |
MSG | Message Text | 2900 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 2950 |
N2 | 3000 | |
REF | 3050 | |
AM1 | Informational Values | 3070 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N3 | 3100 | |
N4 | 3150 | |
COM | Communication Contact Information | 3200 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 3250 |
QTY | 3270 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LQ | Industry Code Identification | 3300 |
SPA | Status of Product or Activity | 3350 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 3400 |
MSG | Message Text | 3450 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 3500 |
N3 | 3550 | |
N4 | 3600 | |
REF | 3650 | |
COM | Communication Contact Information | 3700 |
LUI | Language Use | 3750 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 3800 |
MSG | Message Text | 3850 |
Segment | Name | Position |
BEN | Beneficiary or Owner Information | 3900 |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 3950 |
N2 | 4000 | |
N3 | 4050 | |
N4 | 4100 | |
REF | 4150 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 4200 |
III | Information | 4250 |
QTY | 4300 | |
AMT | 4320 | |
LUI | Language Use | 4350 |
MSG | Message Text | 4400 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PID | 4450 | |
BLI | Basic Baseline Item Data | 4500 |
SPA | Status of Product or Activity | 4550 |
AMT | 4600 | |
QTY | 4650 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 4700 |
YNQ | Yes/No Question | 4720 |
MSG | Message Text | 4750 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PDL | Payment Details | 4800 |
REF | 4850 |
Segment | Name | Position |
INV | Investment Vehicle Selection | 4900 |
AM1 | Informational Values | 4950 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 5000 |
RPA | Rate Amounts or Percents | 5050 |
Segment | Name | Position |
BEN | Beneficiary or Owner Information | 5100 |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 5150 |
N2 | 5200 | |
N3 | 5250 | |
N4 | 5300 | |
REF | 5350 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 5400 |
III | Information | 5450 |
QTY | 5500 | |
AMT | 5520 | |
LUI | Language Use | 5550 |
MSG | Message Text | 5600 |
Segment | Name | Position |
UC | Underwriting Category | 5650 |
Segment | Name | Position |
HL | 5700 | |
UQS | Underwriting Question | 5750 |
YNQ | Yes/No Question | 5800 |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 5850 |
N3 | 5900 | |
N4 | 5950 | |
COM | Communication Contact Information | 6000 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 6050 |
QTY | 6100 | |
MSG | Message Text | 6150 |
AM1 | Informational Values | 6200 |
AMT | 6250 | |
III | Information | 6300 |
EC | Employment Class | 6350 |
EMS | Employment Position | 6400 |
EMP | Employer | 6450 |
PCT | Percent Amounts | 6500 |
SOI | Source of Income | 6550 |
LIN | 6600 | |
REF | 6650 | |
ASL | Asset Liability | 6700 |
TOA | Type of Activity | 6750 |
TOV | Vehicle Use Information | 6800 |
VEH | Vehicle Information | 6850 |
CDS | Case Description | 6900 |
CED | Administration of Justice Event Description | 6950 |
SIN | Substance Use | 7000 |
UCS | Underwriting Considerations | 7050 |
FH | Family History | 7100 |
SPA | Status of Product or Activity | 7150 |
MPI | Military Personnel Information | 7200 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PWK | Paperwork | 7250 |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 7300 |
N4 | 7350 | |
REF | 7400 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 7450 |
SPA | Status of Product or Activity | 7500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
EFI | Electronic Format Identification | 7550 |
BIN | Binary Data Segment | 7600 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 7650 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PDL | Payment Details | 7700 |
REF | 7750 | |
LS | Loop Header | 7780 |
Segment | Name | Position |
AMT | 7800 | |
N1 | 7850 | |
N3 | 7900 | |
N4 | 7950 | |
LIN | 8000 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 8050 |
QTY | 8100 | |
MSG | Message Text | 8150 |
Segment | Name | Position |
AM1 | Informational Values | 8155 |
Segment | Name | Position |
INV | Investment Vehicle Selection | 8160 |
QTY | 8165 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 8170 |
RPA | Rate Amounts or Percents | 8175 |
LE | Loop Trailer | 8190 |
Segment | Name | Position |
K2 | Administrative Message | 8200 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 8250 |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 8300 |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 8350 |
Notes |
2/0010 | The N1 loop repeats for each company or intermediate distributor. |
2/0050 | The ACT loop repeats for each individual application. |
2/0600 | The YNQ segment is used to report answers to application questions identified in YNQ01. |
2/0660 | The LQ loop is used to report jurisdictional information about the application. |
2/0700 | The SI loop is used to report policy options being exercised. |
2/1050 | The PID loop is used to report coverages at the contract level. |
2/1850 | The BEN loop is used to report beneficiary information that relates only to the coverage's reported in the PID loop. |
2/2400 | The ENT loop repeats for each entity associated with the policy. |
2/2720 | The AMT segment is used to report financial information for the entity that is not related to a specific product. |
2/2770 | The RPA segment is used to allocate commissions that are independent of the product. |
2/2800 | The YNQ segment reports answers to entity-related questions identified in YNQ01. |
2/2950 | The NM1 loop identifies the entity. |
2/3300 | The LQ loop reports underwriting requirements. |
2/3500 | The NM1 loop identifies information sources for underwriting requirements. |
2/3900 | The BEN loop is used to report beneficiary information that relates only to a specific entity in the ENT loop. |
2/4450 | The PID loop is used to report on coverages, service features and riders that relate to a specific entity in the ENT loop. |
2/5100 | The BEN loop is used to report beneficiary information that relates only to a coverage, service feature or rider in the PID loop. |
2/5650 | The UC loop is used to report additional risk assessment information. |
2/5700 | The HL segment is used to build the varying levels of detail that can be reported in the UC loop for different kinds of risk assessment information. |
2/5800 | The YNQ segment is used to report answers to risk assessment questions. |
2/5850 | The NM1 segment is used to identify parties related to risk assessment information. |
2/7250 | The PWK segment is used to report status and disposition of required forms. |
2/7300 | The NM1 segment identifies the person completing or signing a form. |
2/7550 | The EFI loop is used to transmit images of required forms and signatures. |
2/7650 | The LX loop is used to report payments made with the application or in the future. |
2/7850 | The N1 segment is used to identify payees or payers. |
2/8155 | The AM1 loop is used to report tax status of payment subtotals. |
2/8300 | The NM1 segment identifies the originator of the administrative message. |
rev 29/11/2024