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Nexternal: Quick Order Pad Allows Quick Orders by SKU
Nexternal: Quick Order Pad Allows Quick Orders by SKU
Pamela Topper avatar
Written by Pamela Topper
Updated over a week ago

Product: Nexternal

The Quick Order Pad (a premium option - monthly fee applies) is a feature that allows customers (or merchant employees entering orders from the Order Management System [OMS]) to build their orders quickly and easily if they know the exact SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit) of the products they wish to purchase.


To enable the feature, you must be an administrator and you must first agree to the terms provided in your OMS at Layout / Main Layout / Quick Order Pad, which includes a monthly fee. Then check the Enable Quick Order Pad checkbox. You may also customize the Label, which controls how the feature is labeled in the Online Store. The default label is Quick Order Pad, but you may choose to call it Order by SKU so your customers immediately know exactly what the feature provides. The balance of the settings seen in the screenshot above will be addressed below.


When in use, the Quick Order Pad is available at the URL (BtoC/publicly visible) or (BtoB/ password protected). (Substitute your actual Nexternal account name for NexternalAccountName in the above URL's) If you are using a Domain Alias (Settings/Site Options), you may instead use the equivalent Domain Alias URLs (e.g. or


The Quick Order Pad may optionally appear in the online store and in the Order Management Sysytem (OMS) ordering section as a Category, such as (a) in the side navigation (if the Persistent Category template is selected at Layout / General Layout / Template), or (b) in the Current Category Select Box ( if Use Current Category is selected at Layout / Main Layout), in either case at either the top or bottom of the category list.

You may further refine the Category (see setup screenshot above) to show up in (a) all cases (i.e. the BtoC Online Store, the BtoB Online Store, and internal orders placed from within the OMS); (b) BtoB and internal only; or (c) internal only. For internal orders, you may also access the Quick Order Pad directly for a specific customer via a Quick Order pad button next to the Place Order button toward the bottom of the Customer Detail screen.


  1. If you choose not to display the Quick Order Pad as a category – or your Layout does not display your full category hierarchy – Nexternal recommends creating a custom link to the Quick Order Pad URL (e.g. in the store header or footer in Bordering HTML at Layout / Advanced Layout).

  2. The Quick Order Pad is also available in conjunction with the Bulk Order feature (Orders / Bulk Order). After you press the "Place Order" button while placing a bulk order, you will see the category or other links to Quick Order Pad that you have set up.


The Quick Order Pad consists of a table – the number of rows defaults to the Default Rows value, but may be adjusted by the customer to between 1 and 100 – with SKU and Quantity columns to enter SKU values and quantities, respectively; and a Description column that provides details on the entered SKU.

For valid SKU values, the Description includes, at a minimum, the Product Name and Price; and, as appropriate, the Cart Product Image (if set to display at Layout / Cart Layout / Product Image), the Product or SKU Status (as defined in Layout / General Layout / Labels), Inventory (if displayed per the Display Inventory field in Layout / Visibility Rules / Display Inventory), and Expected In Stock Date (Settings / Site Options / Expected Fulfillment).

For SKU values that correspond to a Product or SKU that can be added to the Shopping Cart, the optional Valid Border Color may be used to visually cue the customer (default is blank, or you may choose another color such as green). For SKU values that are invalid or otherwise cannot be added to the Shopping Cart, the Description displays information appropriate to convey the problem, and the optional Invalid Border Color (default is red) is used.


  1. You may change the SKU Label to any text of your choosing at Layout / General Layout / Labels. We suggest "Order by SKU" or "Quick Order by SKU".

  2. Invalid Products are never added to the cart. Some examples of invalid products include sold out products, items for which a matching SKU can't be found, and items with unspecified option. Products that cannot be fully defined by a SKU value are invalid when using the Quick Order Pad. This includes products with required Write-In Attributes, a Bid Price, or a required Subscription Option. So for example, if there is an apron product with two SKU's, a white apron (apron-w) and a beige apron (apron-b), and you enter merely "apron" in the SKU column, the product will be identified as invalid (see above setup screenshot.) Gift Certificates are also invalid.

Below the table (see setup screenshot above), an Add to Cart Button (Layout / Buttons) adds all valid SKUs to the Shopping Cart in a single click, ignoring any invalid SKUs.

If the ATC Reset option is on, the existing SKU values are then cleared from the table, and quantities are reset to the default of 1, to allow the purchaser to enter a fresh set of SKUs, if desired (the number of rows is unaffected).

You may also enter an Explanation, which appears above the table, to help guide your customers in the use of the Quick Order Pad. The default Explanation is shown in the setup screenshot above. If you've changed the SKU label at Layout / General Layout / Labels, then "SKU" in the default explanation will change to whatever you changed the label to say.)

The Quick Order Pad also features the ability to upload SKU values and quantities directly into the table via a .csv (Comma Separated Values) file.

This section consists of a link – optionally accompanied by the Upload Sample Icon – to download a dynamically generated sample file, demonstrating the proper format (i.e. rows of comma separated SKU/quantity pairs) and providing examples of valid SKUs. Once ready, a .csv file may be uploaded in the upload area – optionally including the Upload Image, available in a variety of colors – via click to browse or drag and drop. The optional Upload Explanation if used would appear at the top of this section to provide further instruction, if desired. Upon upload, the line items will populate the table above, and when you are ready just click add to cart to place the line items in the cart.


  1. The Explanation and Upload Explanation fields support HTML tags to enhance formatting. Users unfamiliar with HTML are encouraged to use the WYSIWYG Editor (Settings / Boolean Options), as improper HTML may produce unintended results.

  2. If you wish to reference images within the Explanation or Upload Explanation, it is strongly recommended that you use secure protocol (https://) to ensure that your users are not presented with an undesirable security warning in their browser. If you lack the capability to use secure protocol on your own site, you may upload the needed images to your store via the File Import (Products/Import, Categories/Import, or Layout/Import Images), then reference them at (Substitute your actual Nexternal account name for NexternalAccountName.)

rev. 7/20/22

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