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Mapping Manager
Creating and Maintaining Partner Maps
Mapping Manager: Adjusting settings related to a Partner to Partner Turnaround Entity
Mapping Manager: Adjusting settings related to a Partner to Partner Turnaround Entity

How do I make changes to a Partner to Partner Turnaround Entity?

Rebecca Clever avatar
Written by Rebecca Clever
Updated over a week ago

Product: Mapping Manager

Once a Partner to Partner Turnaround entity is created, it can be viewed to define its Source and Destination token mappings via Mapping Manager's Partner Maps page.

From the Maps page, you can:

  • Define Lookups and Defaults

  • Edit Source and Destination token mappings

Defining Lookups and Defaults

Defaults are static values that can be used to populate token values, which are typically consistent across all transactions for a trading partner (or even for a company); a customer's address is a fitting example of this.

Lookups serve as custom translations that can be used to interpret the value of any token into another value. For Partner to Partner Turnaround maps, the token defined in the Translation Parameter represents a token in the Source transaction/trading partner, but the Lookup tables utilized for translating the translation parameter from its original value into its new value are those defined by the Destination trading partner.

Editing Source and Destination Token Mappings

To modify the global Source and Destination token mappings on the Maps page, select the desired map row in the grid, then click the Edit button. The Mapping view will display for your selected Partner to Partner Turnaround map.

The grid represents your mappings, with its left column displaying the token specific to your Destination transaction and right column representing the token in your Source transaction. As with any mapping, you can add a Destination token by clicking the + next to the desired token in the left panel list, or, alternatively, you can drag the token from the left panel to the right grid column to add it as part of the Source token mapping.

In the global mapping (Maps tab) view, the Source and Destination tokens are typically the same since the majority of tokens are consistent between Source and Destination transactions. Setting commonly-used tokens in the global mapping view will help to reduce the custom mappings set when creating partner level mappings.

To modify the partner level mappings, click the Partner to Partner Turnaround Maps tab.

From this view, you can then select a map from the grid and click the Edit button. This view differs slightly from the Partner Maps view, in that instead of showing a single trading partner, the grid displays both a Source and Destination trading partner. This is because partner level customizations occur for a combination of both a Source trading partner and Destination trading partner.

The partner level mapping User Interface (UI) is very similar to the normal partner level mapping that you see for imports and exports, the main difference being that there are two token tabs displayed in the left panel: one for the Source trading partner and one for the Destination trading partner. Tokens under the Source Partner Tokens tab can be dragged to the right column of the mapping grid.

Tokens under the Destination Partner Tokens tab can be added to the mapping grid by clicking the + next to the desired token.

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