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Transaction Manager: CSN (Wayfair) 860/865 Initiative

Get the low-down on Wayfair's 860/865 exchange initiative in Transaction Manager here!

Rebecca Clever avatar
Written by Rebecca Clever
Updated over 11 months ago

Product(s): Transaction Manager, Foundry Platform

What is the Initiative?

Wayfair (under the CSN connection) is implementing the Purchase Order Changes (EDI 860) and, in some cases, needs to receive a Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement (EDI 865) in response. CSN will only need an 865 returned for an 860 that has a value of "Quantity Decrease" in the transaction's 'Change Status' field, located under the transaction's Item tab.

In order to further assist our customers with identifying which 860 transactions need to have an 865 returned, TrueCommerce will include a "Send Change Acknowledgement" note in the Alt Document field for the transaction in Transaction Manager's Transactions page Inbox.

Note: This message will NOT display if no 865 is required. TrueCommerce encourages all customers to carefully review all 860 transactions for both of these indicators.

Is Testing Required?

Wayfair has sent a communication to each of its suppliers with information regarding this initiative. It is not requiring testing; however, Wayfair does require compliance with these changes.

What PO Change Acknowledgement/865 is Best to Use?

TrueCommerce has created the Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement Quantity Decrease transaction to use for this initiative.

How to Create the 865

Wayfair (CSN) has mapped two versions of the 860: 4010 or 4030. The version of the 865 to return is dependent on the version of the 860 received. The same version should be used for both transactions; for example, if your organization receives a 4010 860, then the 4010 865 must be returned.

To create the 865, perform the following:

  1. To determine the version, open the 860 and navigate to the EDI tab. Under the Standard Information section, there will be a standard listed: either X-12-4010 or X-12-4030.

  2. Navigate to Transaction Setup to activate the Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement Quantity Increase transaction. This article can assist you with how to do this.

  3. Once the version is determined, ensure the 865 is set to 'Production Mode' in the Transaction Setup by following the instructions provided in this article.

  4. If there are any fields that will always be the same on the 865, save time by templating these fields. This article will guide you through the steps.

  5. After these steps are completed, navigate back to the Transactions.

  6. Select the specific Purchase Order Change transaction and then follow the remaining steps in this article to create the Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement Quantity Decrease.

    Again, this is only required if the 'Quantity Decrease' value displays in the Change Status field within the Items tab of the transaction you are reviewing.

  7. The Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement (865) can be created by Turnaround from the Purchase Order Change (860).

  8. Once all of these fields are completed, the 865 can be sent to the trading partner from Transaction Manager.

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rev. 11/28/2023

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