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Transaction Manager: Item Sync
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a year ago

Product: Transaction Manager

The Item Catalog's Item Sync feature provides the user with the ability to reach out to any Integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or business system that uses a direct-link or Framework connection to retrieve all of the information from your ERP without having to manually type it in, preventing errors caused by mistyping long item codes.

Note: This feature only works for systems that are directly connected. If you are utilizing a flat-file integration for your ERP system you will need to fill out the catalog manually.

Syncing Your ERP's Items

The easiest way to manage your Item Catalog is to use Item Sync, which will allow you to directly link any item within your Item Catalog inside of Transaction Manager to your Item List within your ERP.

To access the Item Sync feature:

  1. Select a partner from the Trading Partners workspace in Transaction Manager.

  2. Select Translations > Item Catalog via the action bar.

  3. Click Sync on the action bar.

Item Search

Once the Item Sync Grid displays, you can enter criteria for your search results in the Item Search dialog box to return all items, then click the magnifying glass on the action bar to launch the search in the search panel.

If you want to return all items, ensure that the Item Type field is set to 'All' and then select the magnifying glass in the search panel.

Syncing Items

By default, Transaction Manager will automatically add new items sent from your trading partner from any received Purchase Order (850) into your Item Catalog

To sync your items, you can click and drag them from your Transaction Manager Item Catalog on the left to the list representing the search results from your ERP on the right.

Note: If the Item Code on the left (UPC# in the example) is not the number you want to sync to, you will need to set up your Primary Item Field to use the number that your trading partner is using.

Synced Items

A successfully synced item will show your trading partner's number attached next to your ERP item number in the list on the right.

Note: If you have not received items from your trading partner yet, the list on the left may be incomplete. You can simply select the checkbox for each item you want to bring over within the list of the right (your ERP's items) to fill out the codes from your trading partner manually.


Once you have dragged all of your items over, you will need to save the changes before exiting the screen by clicking Sync & Save on the Action bar.

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rev: 12/03/2023

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