Product: Sage 100
In order for Transaction Manager and Sage 100 to link your Trading Partner (Transaction Manager) with your Customer Entry (Sage 100) so they know which EDI connection pairs with what customer records within your system you'll need to configure the Partner Setup within Transaction Manager.
The Partner Setup allows you to assign your Customer No. or Vendor No. within Transaction Manager to either a single EDI Partner entirely, or split them based on data being sent by your Trading Partner such as a Ship To Code to split them from a single EDI connection into multiple Customer Entries within Sage 100.
Assigning a Customer/Vendor to a Trading Partner
Within Transaction Manager you'll want to assign your Customer/Vendor No. from Sage 100 into the Partner Setup of Transaction Manager to first associate it with your Trading partner.
Syncing a Partner
You can easily add a new Trading Partner simply by using the Sync option of the Partner Setup screen which will allow Transaction Manager to ask Sage 100 for all its codes.
Simply select the desired codes (Ctrl + Click to select multiple) from the Partner Search and then select the Sync Selected option to add them.
Navigate: Trading Partners → (Partner) → Translations → Partner Setup
Select: Sync → Magnifying Glass (lower one)
Select: Sync Selected Business System Partners
Select: Done
Partner Setup - Partner Sync Option
Partner Sync- Partner Search
Note: If you're attempting to setup a Vendor for a Purchase Order Process then set the dropdown to Vendor instead of Customer to view all Vendors.
Manually Add
If you'd like to manually add the Customer No into your Partner setup - you can do so by selecting the Add Partner button within the Partner Setup screen rather than sync.
Navigate (TM): Trading Partners → (Partner) → Translations → Partner Setup
Select: Add Partner
Enter: The Customer No. from Sage 100
For Incoming 850s:
Accounts Receivable → Customer Maintenance
For Outgoing 850s:
Accounts Payable → Vendor Maintenance
Using Multiple Customer Codes
If you need to split your Trading Partner EDI data into various Customer Entries within Sage 100 - you can check out the below article for more information.
rev 1/25/2023