REF02 - Reference Identification
Option | Description |
PROCOMMENT | Outputs text following "PRO:" in 'Comment Text' of table sopUsrDefWorkHist |
BOLCOMMENT | Outputs text following "BOL:" in 'Comment Text' of table sopUsrDefWorkHist |
DEPT | Outputs 'ESI Department ID' of table ESI_Customer_XREF; if empty, will produce an error |
VEND | Outputs 'ESI Vendor ID' of table ESI_Customer_XREF; if empty, will produce an error |
SOP | Outputs 'SOP Number' of table Header if SOP Type = 3 (Invoice); else will not output segment |
SOPORDER | Outputs 'SOP Number' of table Header if SOP Type = 2 (Order); else will not output segment |
SOPALL | Outputs 'SOP Number' of table Header (regardless of SOP Type) |
MASTER | Outputs 'Master Number' of table Header |
OR | Outputs 'Original Number' of table Header; if empty, outputs 'SOP Number' of table Header |
OR_4_17 | Outputs 'Original Number' of table Header with first 3 chars removed; if empty, outputs 'SOP Number' of table Header with first 3 chars removed |
PO | Outputs 'Customer PO Number' of table Header |
WORK | Outputs 'Customer PO Number' of table Header |
TARGETPO | Outputs last 4 characters of 'Customer PO Number' of table Header |
CUSTNUM | Outputs 'Customer Number' of table Header |
LIST | Outputs 'Packing Slip Number' of table Header; if empty, will produce an error |
BOLFRMSLSTRCKNUM | Outputs 'Tracking Number' of table sopTrackingNumbersWorkHist; will output a REF segment per entry in the sopTrackingNumbersWorkHist table (i.e. one REF,ZZ,BOLFRMSLSTRCKNUM segment in ODLF could output multiple REF*ZZ's) |
ONEBOLFRMSLSTRCKNUM | Outputs 'Tracking Number' of table sopTrackingNumbersWorkHist; will output a REF segment per entry in the sopTrackingNumbersWorkHist table; only works at line level of ODLF (if entered at header or footer, will disregard that REF segment in ODLF; this option also attempts to find the same number of Tracking Number records as there are units for that specific line item |
FIRSTBOLFRMSLSTRCKNUM | Outputs first occurring 'Tracking Number' of table sopTrackingNumbersWorkHist |
SERIAL | Outputs all 'Serial/Lot Number' of table SOP_Serial_Lot_WORK_HIST records for a given line item; will loop REF segment per entry; option will work for both serial-controlled items and lot-controlled items |
BILLTO | Outputs 'ESI Buy ID' of table ESI_SOP_HDR_CMT_WORK_HIST |
UDT1CUSTOMER | Outputs 'User Defined 1' of table RM_Customer_MSTR; will produce error if not found |
LOTNUMBER | Outputs 'Serial/Lot Number' of table SOP_Serial_Lot_WORK_HIST; will not loop, outputs only first occurring lot number |
BATCH | Outputs 'Batch Number' of table Header |
DATESOP | Outputs 'Invoice Date' of table Header; if empty, will use system date |
UDT2SOP | Outputs 'User Defined 2' of table sopUsrDefWorkHist; if empty, will use 'SOP Number' of table Header |
UDTX | Outputs 'User Defined X' of table sopUsrDefWorkHist where X is 1 thru 5 |
UDLX | Outputs 'User Defined List X' of table sopUsrDefWorkHist where X is 1 thru 3 |
EHUDTX | Outputs VSHDRUDEF[X] of table ESI_SOP_HDR_CMT_WORK_HIST_EXT where X is 1 thru 5 |
ELUDTX | Outputs VSHDRUDEF[X] of table ESI_SOP_LIN_CMT_WORK_HIST_EXT where X is 1 thru 5 |
RELEASENUM | Outputs 'ESI Release Number' of table ESI_SOP_HDR_CMT_WORK_HIST |
PAYMENTTERMSID | Outputs 'Payment Terms ID' of table Header |
ASNBOL | Outputs 'ESI Bill of Lading' of table Shipment; will produce error if not found |
ASNPRO | Outputs 'ESI PRO Number' of table Shipment; will produce error if not found |
ASNSHIPMENT | Outputs 'ESI ASN Number' of table Shipment; will produce error if not found |
SHPID | Outputs 'ESI ASN Shipment ID' of table Shipment; will produce error if not found |
ADDRCODE | Outputs 'Address Code' of table ESI_Location_XREF |
DC | Outputs 'ESI DC ID' of table ESI_Location_XREF; will produce error if not found |
LINESEQ | Outputs 'ESI PO1 Line Number' of table ESI_SOP_LINE_CMT_WORK_HIST; if empty, will output 'Line Item Sequence' of table Line/16384 |
PRMSHIPTOID | Outputs 'Primary Shipto Address Code' of table Header |
FIND | Outputs 'ESI REF ID' of table ESI_SOP_HDR_CMT_WORK_HIST_EXT; matches the qualifier entered into the REF01 of ODLF to the received qualifier stored in 'ESI REF ID Qual' of table ESI_SOP_HDR_CMT_WORK_HIST_EXT; overwrites 1st element with qualifier stored in REF12 of ODLF if present |
EXT | !Extender! |
HUDEXTY | Outputs 'ESI REF ID'[Y] of table ESI_SOP_HDR_CMT_WORK_HIST_EXT where Y is 1 thru 5 |
rev 11/8/22