Dynamics GP (Enterprise) - Unlock Codes
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a week ago

Product: Dynamics GP (Enterprise)

If you own our Dynamics GP Enterprise solution and you need to configure a new Trading Partner or one of their Transactions - you'll need an Unlock Code to be generate for you in order to unlock each individual Transaction.

Gathering Info for Unlock Code

In order to produce this Unlock Code for you - we'll need a couple pieces of information. Your GP Customer Card ID, the EDI Document Type, and the ODLF Code

GP Customer ID: This is your Dynamics GP's Customer ID from your Customer Card, you can grab this from either your Customer Card (Customer Maintenance) or from the TrueCommerce Customer Cross-Reference if you've already setup a new Cross-Reference.

Customer Card

Customer Cross-Reference

EDI Document: This will be the 3-digit EDI Transaction you're creating (810,856,855,etc)

You can also find this on your ODLF if you've already created one within the first element of the 2nd column

810 Sample ODLF

ODLF Code: This is the 6-digit code at the top of every ODLF

Inserting the Unlock Code

Once you receive your Unlock Code from TrueCommerce - simply insert it into the Unlock Code field of your specific transaction you're configuring and hit Save

rev 10/13/22

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