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Intuit QuickBooks - [ERROR] InitializePlugInDll: AssemblyName=Tc.Int.Platform.BSPQuickBooks, ClassName=BSPQuickBooks, Message=Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Intuit QuickBooks - [ERROR] InitializePlugInDll: AssemblyName=Tc.Int.Platform.BSPQuickBooks, ClassName=BSPQuickBooks, Message=Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a week ago

Product: Intuit QuickBooks

Error: InitializePlugInDll: AssemblyName=Tc.Int.Platform.BSPQuickBooks, ClassName=BSPQuickBooks, Message=Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Issue: Whenever attempting to import/export within Transaction Manager you receive the error: 'InitializePlugInDll: AssemblyName=Tc.Int.Platform.BSPQuickBooks, ClassName=BSPQuickBooks, Message=Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.'

Reason: The Integration Service is unable to find the required DLL that is installed locally on your machine to help connect Transaction Manager to QuickBooks

Solution - Unblock DLL

Sometimes Windows blocks the DLL from running to prevent unknown programs from modifying your machine - if blocked the Integration Service will not be able to use it

Navigate: C:\Program Files (x86)\True Commerce\TmoIntegrationService

Find: Tc.Int.Platform.BSPQuickBooks.dll → Right Click → Properties

Check: Unblock

(click to enlarge)

Solution - Open Folder Permissions

Sometimes restricted permissions to the TmoIntegrationService folder itself can cause issues - be sure to open them up to the Everyone user

Navigate: C:/Program Files (x86)/True Commerce

Right Click: TmoIntegrationService → Properties

Navigate: Security (tab) → Edit → Add → Everyone (ok)

(click to enlarge)

( Permission for Full Control)

Solution - Grab a .dll from a working machine

If unblocking the DLL does not work - you may want to try and grab the same Tc.Int.Platform.BSPQuickBooks.dll from a working machine and place it into a non-working machine.

Note: You may need to unblock the DLL after transferring it between computers even if it wasn't blocked before - this is a security feature of Windows.

Additional Suggestions

Terminal Servers/Users

If multiple people are logging into a terminal server, and some work and others do not - this would imply permissions. Please work with your IT Department to correct the permission issues.

Log in as Local Admin

Often permissions can cause issues - try logging in as a local admin account and see if the issue persists

Reinstall Integration Service

If this is a newer client that hasn't worked since installing the Integration Service try re-installing the service by Run as Admin option for the Integration Service

Note: If you need assistance please contact your IT Department - as TrueCommerce can only provide limited support since usually this issue is the result of insufficient permissions on your machine, or something blocking the DLL

rev 10/3/22

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