Product Manager: Languages

Look here for details about how to import and publish in different languages.

Katie Pilcher avatar
Written by Katie Pilcher
Updated over a week ago

Product: Product Manager

Product information can be maintained in many languages. This enables you to publish products in different languages based on the culture of the destination consuming the information.

Product Manager supports configuring multiple languages, storing many product details in different languages, as well as machine assisted translation. You can import, edit and export product data in multiple languages.

Defaults are English, French and Spanish. Talk to your TrueCommerce representative about other languages.

Bringing Products In (Subscription)

Menu > Unified Commerce > Channel Manager > Subscriptions > Import Definition

When you create the import (Subscription), you can determine the language. If you’re going to populate all 3 languages, you would have 3 different imports. The selected language will apply to all fields in the subscription (descriptions, attributes, variants, etc....all that support multiple languages).

Editing Products in Product Manager

You can make translations directly in the application if you wish.

On the Edit Product screen > Details tab, you would click Show Translation.

You can type in the fields to translate to French and/or Spanish. Or you can use Microsoft Cognitive Services which is free up to 2 million characters. This would need to be configured with the help of your TrueCommerce representative.

If configured, when you click the Translate button, it would automatically translate what shows in the English field.

As we mentioned earlier, you can also translate attributes and variants. The process is similar to what you do for the description fields.

Sending Products Out (Publication)

Menu > Unified Commerce > Channel Manager > Publications > Export Parameters

For whatever marketplace this is going to, you would want it to be in the native language as much as possible. When you create the export (Publication), if the field has the separate boxes for the translation (description, attributes, product name) you would need to check the correct boxes to make sure the export contains the appropriate content.

If you’re only exporting in one language, you would check just the Description field.

If you’re exporting in French, you would need to check the French box. Same for English and Spanish if you’re exporting in multiple languages.

Language Selection on the Login Page

Upon login, you can choose your default language. Once you do that, screen names and labels will appear in that language. As we’ve discussed above, the content that shows in the product fields still needs to be translated.

rev: 7/30/21

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