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Nexternal: Set up a Turnaround Time for Pickup Orders
Nexternal: Set up a Turnaround Time for Pickup Orders
Pamela Topper avatar
Written by Pamela Topper
Updated over 3 years ago

Product: Nexternal

To set up a mechanism that allows your customers to let you know when, after the turnaround time you require, they'd like to pick up their order, go to Settings / Site Options – Edit / Expected Fulfillment.

The Expected Fulfillment options are split into three sections. The first section refers to options that are shared by shipped and picked up products. The second section, Expected Shipping Time, refers to options that control when a customer will expect to receive their shipment, and is used for setting the optional preferred delivery date. The third section, Expected Pickup Date, optionally can be used to allow a customer to specify when they plan to pick up an order.

The Maximum Days Forward is used to set the furthest future date available for a Preferred Delivery Date or an Expected Pickup Date.

The Expected Turnaround is used as the number of days within which a product or SKU with a Status of Normal is expected to ship (i.e. the Expected Ship Date) or be ready for pickup (i.e. the Expected Pickup Date). Select whether calendar days, business days (i.e. non-holiday weekdays) or shipping days (i.e. those non-holiday weekdays selected as Available Shipping Days) apply.

For shipped products, provided that the order is placed before the Cutoff Time and on a business or shipping day (if selected), the product is expected to ship the entered number of calendar/business/shipping days forward of the current date (Expected Turnaround). If the order is placed on a non-business/shipping day (if selected), or after the Cutoff Time, the Expected Shipping Date is the number of Expected Turnaround forward of the next calendar/business/shipping day.

For pickup products, if the order is made before the cutoff time (Weekend or Weekday Cutoff Time as applicable) then the first available day for expected pickup will be that day plus any days forward set in the Expected Turnaround.

The Preordered In Stock, Backordered In Stock, and Sold Out In Stock fields allow you to enter a default estimation for the amount of time required for an item to become back in stock (i.e. the Expected In Stock Date) when the product or SKU becomes Preordered, Backordered, or Sold Out, respectively. You may override the default assumption when creating or editing a product, or via the Product or Attribute Import (Products/Import). If an Expected In Stock Date exists, that information may be conveyed on the Product List and Detail screens (e.g. Expected in stock 4/23/2007), also depending on the value of the Display Expected Shipping field (Layout/Main Layout/Visibility Rules).

Preferred Pickup Date optionally can be used to allow customers to specify when they plan to pick up their products.

If a customer creates the order after the Cutoff Time (Weekday Cutoff Time or Weekend Cutoff Time as applicable on that day), then the first available day for a Preferred Pickup Date will be the next day plus the Expected Turnaround set in Expected Fulfillment / General. The furthest day in the future available for a Preferred Pickup Date is set by the Maximum Days Forward from Expected Fulfillment / General.

If you are using Preferred Pickup Date, the Preferred Pickup Label is the label by which the Preferred Pickup Date is presented. You may also choose, via the Preference Requirement option, whether or not to require customers to select a preferred date, when available. If you choose Required, the Default Label defines the option selected by default; the customer cannot proceed with this option selected, but instead must actively choose a date. If you choose Optional, the No Preference Label defines the option used to indicate the lack of a preference. The optional Explanation Text may be accessed by clicking a link (the Explanation Link) located just below the Preferred Pickup Label.

rev: 5/17/21

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