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Transaction Manager: The Turnaround Function

Understand the basic Turnaround function in Transaction Manager.

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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Product: Transaction Manager

What is the Turnaround function?

The Turnaround function is a standard operation within Transaction Manager that is used to create a transaction. For example, if you receive a Purchase Order (PO), you can perform a turnaround to create an outbound transaction to send to your trading partner. Any outgoing transaction can be created by turnaround.

What happens when a turnaround is performed?

Using our PO example, if you perform a turnaround from a PO to create an invoice, any relevant information from the PO would "pull" onto the invoice. From there, any remaining, mandatory (red) fields would need to be populated prior to sending the transaction.

NOTE: While you can perform a turnaround from any transaction, it is best practice to use the purchase order to create an outgoing transaction, as most of the relevant information you need will likely be found on the PO.

Where is the Turnaround button located?

Turnaround is located on the Transactions Action bar in Transaction Manager.

Do I have to be in a specific folder to do a turnaround?

A turnaround can be performed in any folder. Typically, the transaction is located in either the Inbox or the Received folder.

How do I do a turnaround?

Select the transaction you would like to use to create your transaction. Click Turnaround on the Action bar. Select the transaction you would like to create and click OK. Check the Status bar at the bottom of Transaction Manager to make sure the turnaround was successful. The transaction will automatically be in your Transactions Outbox.

Test or Production?

Check out this article to know whether or not your transaction is in Test or Production, as well as how to switch between these two settings!

Related Topics

  • For step-by-step guidance in Transaction Manager, select Guided Tutorials from the Foundry ? (Help) menu and then launch tutorials:
    'Create a Transaction by Turnaround'
    'Changing Transactions from Test to Production'

rev. 12/18/24

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