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Cloud Flat Files - Integration FTP Folder Structure

Breakdown of how the folders and directories are structured within the Integration FTP

Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a month ago

Product: Cloud Flat Files

The Integration FTP is a TrueCommerce hosted Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) solution offered to our Cloud Flat-File customers where Transactions can be stored when being transferred between Transaction Manager and your Business System.

The structure of the folders are pre-defined in order to streamline integration allowing for a universal configuration that can be easily navigated. Below you will find a breakdown of the structure.

Folder Structure

The Integration FTP is a series of folders that houses your transactions for 7-days allowing your Business System and Transaction Manager to pass files indirectly to each other by utilizing a basic folder structure to house the files to and from.

Root Folder

The Root Folder is your primary EDI Account Number associated with the Company that you are working under configured within Transaction Manager.


The IntegrationFTP is a static folder name that houses all your integrated related content including the Definitions, Export, and Import folders.


The Definitions folder (if present) is used to house schema and definition files for use by specific Business System's to interpret transactions.


The Export directory is the root directory for all Inbound transactions coming into Transaction Manager's Inbox which are Exported out of Transaction Manager.


The Import directory is the root directory for all Outbound transactions leaving your Business System to be Imported into the Outbox of Transaction Manager.

The Company Direction

Once inside either the Export or the Import folder each Company you have created within Transaction Manager will have have their own subfolder listed under the given company name.

Each Company will get its own folder - if your Business System or FTP Client is automatically pulling/pushing files for a multi-company setup inside Transaction Manager. You will need to ensure pathing for all companies

Inventory, Shipping, and Transaction Folders

Once inside a Company Directory whether it's under the Export or Import directory, you will have folders for Inventory, Shipping, and Transaction. Each of these folders is used to house specific flat files that are either intended to be sent to your Business System (Export) or to be brought into Transaction Manager (Import).


The Inventory subfolder is used with your Inventory Inquiry/Advice (846) flat-files when utilizing the TrueCommerce Integrated Inventory integration.


The Shipping subfolder is utilized by TrueCommerce's Shipping Module solution when utilizing the Ship Import and Ship Export actions within Transaction Manager.


The Transaction subfolder is the primary folder used to pass all Transactions between your Business System and Transaction Manager such as Purchase Orders (850), Invoices (810), and Advance Ship Notices (856).

_Archive, _Error, and _Processing folders

You may notice under the Import directory folders such as your Shipping and Transaction folder having additional folders next to it with terms such as _Archive and _Error appended to it (e.g. Transaction_Archive, Transaction_Error, Transaction_Processing).

These folders are automatically created by Transaction Manager during its Import operations as a way to track the state of the files as it processes them, allowing it to move files from the Transaction to the Transaction_Processing folder keeps the files that are currently being imported/processed into Transaction Manager separate from any files that may be uploaded during the operation.

rev 1/14/2025

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