Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 837
837 - Health Care Claim
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Health Care Claim Transaction Set (837) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set can be used to submit health care claim billing information, encounter information, or both, from providers of health care services to payers, either directly or via intermediary billers and claims clearinghouses. It can also be used to transmit health care claims and billing payment information between payers with different payment responsibilities where coordination of benefits is required or between payers and regulatory agencies to monitor the rendering, billing, and/or payment of health care services within a specific health care/insurance industry segment.
For purposes of this standard, providers of health care products or services may include entities such as physicians, hospitals and other medical facilities or suppliers, dentists, and pharmacies, and entities providing medical information to meet regulatory requirements. The payer refers to a third party entity that pays claims or administers the insurance product or benefit or both. For example, a payer may be an insurance company, health maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO), government agency (Medicare, Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), etc.) or an entity such as a third party administrator (TPA) or third party organization (TPO) that may be contracted by one of those groups. A regulatory agency is an entity responsible, by law or rule, for administering and monitoring a statutory benefits program or a specific health care/insurance industry segment.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | Transaction Set Header | 0050 |
BHT | Beginning of Hierarchical Transaction | 0100 |
REF | Reference Information | 0150 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 0200 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 0250 |
N3 | Party Location | 0300 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 0350 |
REF | Reference Information | 0400 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 0450 |
Segment | Name | Position |
HL | Hierarchical Level | 0010 |
PRV | Provider Information | 0030 |
SBR | Subscriber Information | 0050 |
PAT | Patient Information | 0070 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 0090 |
CUR | Currency | 0100 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 0150 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 0200 |
N3 | Party Location | 0250 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 0300 |
DMG | Demographic Information | 0320 |
REF | Reference Information | 0350 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 0400 |
LUI | Language Use | 0500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
CLM | Health Claim | 1300 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 1350 |
CL1 | Claim Codes | 1400 |
DN1 | Orthodontic Information | 1450 |
DN2 | Tooth Summary | 1500 |
PWK | Paperwork | 1550 |
CN1 | Contract Information | 1600 |
DSB | Disability Information | 1650 |
UR | Peer Review Organization or Utilization Review | 1700 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 1750 |
REF | Reference Information | 1800 |
K3 | File Information | 1850 |
NTE | Note/Special Instruction | 1900 |
CR1 | Ambulance Certification | 1950 |
CR2 | Chiropractic Certification | 2000 |
CR3 | Durable Medical Equipment Certification | 2050 |
CR4 | Enteral or Parenteral Therapy Certification | 2100 |
CR5 | Oxygen Therapy Certification | 2150 |
CR6 | Home Health Care Certification | 2160 |
CR8 | Pacemaker Certification | 2190 |
CRC | Conditions Indicator | 2200 |
HI | Health Care Information Codes | 2310 |
QTY | Quantity Information | 2400 |
HCP | Health Care Pricing | 2410 |
Segment | Name | Position |
CR7 | Home Health Treatment Plan Certification | 2420 |
HSD | Health Care Services Delivery | 2430 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 2500 |
PRV | Provider Information | 2550 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 2600 |
N3 | Party Location | 2650 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 2700 |
REF | Reference Information | 2710 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 2750 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SBR | Subscriber Information | 2900 |
CAS | Claims Adjustment | 2950 |
RAS | Reason Adjustment | 2980 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 3000 |
DMG | Demographic Information | 3050 |
OI | Other Health Insurance Information | 3100 |
MIA | Inpatient Adjudication | 3150 |
MOA | Outpatient Adjudication | 3200 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 3250 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 3300 |
N3 | Party Location | 3320 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 3400 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 3450 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 3500 |
REF | Reference Information | 3550 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 3650 |
SV1 | Professional Service | 3700 |
SV2 | Institutional Service | 3750 |
SV3 | Dental Service | 3800 |
TOO | Tooth Identification | 3820 |
SV4 | Drug Service | 3850 |
SV5 | Durable Medical Equipment Service | 4000 |
SV6 | Anesthesia Service | 4050 |
SV7 | Drug Adjudication | 4100 |
HI | Health Care Information Codes | 4150 |
PWK | Paperwork | 4200 |
CR1 | Ambulance Certification | 4250 |
CR2 | Chiropractic Certification | 4300 |
CR3 | Durable Medical Equipment Certification | 4350 |
CR4 | Enteral or Parenteral Therapy Certification | 4400 |
CR5 | Oxygen Therapy Certification | 4450 |
CRC | Conditions Indicator | 4500 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 4550 |
QTY | Quantity Information | 4600 |
MEA | Measurements | 4620 |
CN1 | Contract Information | 4650 |
REF | Reference Information | 4700 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 4750 |
K3 | File Information | 4800 |
NTE | Note/Special Instruction | 4850 |
PS1 | Purchase Service | 4880 |
IMM | Immunization Status | 4900 |
HSD | Health Care Services Delivery | 4910 |
HCP | Health Care Pricing | 4920 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LIN | Item Identification | 4930 |
CTP | Pricing Information | 4940 |
REF | Reference Information | 4950 |
SV4 | Drug Service | 4960 |
SV7 | Drug Adjudication | 4970 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 5000 |
PRV | Provider Information | 5050 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 5100 |
N3 | Party Location | 5140 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 5200 |
REF | Reference Information | 5250 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 5300 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SVD | Service Line Adjudication | 5400 |
CAS | Claims Adjustment | 5450 |
RAS | Reason Adjustment | 5480 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 5500 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 5505 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LQ | Industry Code Identification | 5510 |
FRM | Supporting Documentation | 5520 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 5550 |
Notes |
1/0200 | Loop 1000 contains submitter and receiver information. If any intermediary receivers change or add data in any way, then they add an occurrence to the loop as a form of identification. The added loop occurrence must be the last occurrence of the loop. |
2/0150 | Loop 2010 contains information about entities that apply to all claims in loop 2300. For example, these entities may include billing provider, pay-to provider, insurer, primary administrator, contract holder, or claimant. |
2/1950 | The CR1 through CR5 and CRC certification segments appear on both the claim level and the service line level because certifications can be submitted for all services on a claim or for individual services. Certification information at the claim level applies to all service lines of the claim, unless overridden by certification information at the service line level. |
2/2500 | Loop 2310 contains information about the claim level providers including, but not limited to; rendering, referring, and attending. |
2/2900 | Loop 2320 contains insurance information about: paying and other Insurance Carriers for that Subscriber, Subscriber of the Other Insurance Carriers, School or Employer Information for that Subscriber. |
2/3250 | Segments NM1-N4 contain name and address information of the insurance carriers referenced in loop 2320. |
2/3650 | Loop 2400 contains Service Line information. |
2/4250 | The CR1 through CR5 and CRC certification segments appear on both the claim level and the service line level because certifications can be submitted for all services on a claim or for individual services. Certification information at the claim level applies to all service lines of the claim, unless overridden by certification information at the service line level. |
2/4930 | Loop 2410 contains compound drug components, quantities and prices. |
2/5000 | Loop 2420 contains information about the service line providers including, but not limited to; rendering, referring and attending. These segments override the information in the claim - level segments if the entity identifier codes in each NM1 segment are the same. |
2/5400 | SVD01 identifies the payer which adjudicated the corresponding service line and must match DE 67 in the NM109 position 325 for the payer. |
2/5510 | Loop 2440 provides certificate of medical necessity information for the procedure identified in SV101 in position 2/3700. |
2/5520 | FRM segment provides question numbers and responses for the questions on the medical necessity information form identified in LQ position 551. |
rev 05/12/2024